Menzies Reserve retaining wall replacement

Crib wall example.jpg

Starting 18 January 2021, the retaining wall at the southern end of Sir Robert Menzies Reserve in Malvern East will be removed and replaced with a new two-tier precast concrete crib-style retaining wall.

The existing structure has deteriorated and will be replaced with a new structurally-sound retaining wall. These works are an important safety improvement for park users and residents who live in the properties that sit above the wall.

During construction, the area surrounding the work zone will be fenced off for safety. The fenced area will also be used for storage of materials and site amenities.

All other areas of Sir Robert Menzies Reserve will be open at all times.

Once the retaining wall construction is complete, additional improvement works and landscaping will be progressed and will include consultation with surrounding residents.

Project overview

Project status: Complete
Project type: Civil works - retaining wall construction
Construction timeline:

Start date: 18 January 2021

Finish date: early-2022

Scope of works: 
  • remove existing retaining walls
  • build two-tiered precast concrete crib wall
  • realign asphalt footpath

To accommodate the new wall it will be necessary to remove up to five trees.

New landscaping and screen planting will be delivered following the wall construction.

Contractor contact:

Entracon Civil

Nick Sinclair

M: 0439 702 780

Project manager:

Vincent Pham

Out of hours contact: 

03 8290 1333

Watch the works

Filmed over 12 months watch a year-long construction in just one minute, as the old retaining wall at Sir Robert Menzies Reserve is replaced with a new two-tier crib wall supported by 42 concrete piers.

Latest news

28 January 2022

All major construction is now complete with some minor works and clean up to be finalised.

21 December 2021

Planting around the retaining wall is now complete, and will be maintained by the contractor over the summer.

Issues with supply chain has resulted in a delay in the turf reinstatement, which is now scheduled to be completed during the week of 10 January 2022.

The path around Sir Robert Menzies Reserve will open to the public, however some areas will remain fenced off until the turf reinstatement is complete.

Delays have also been experienced in the supply of recycled plastic that is to used to create a boardwalk near the new wall. The boardwalk will be installed when the product is available in the new year.

The contractor will be on site in the new year to rectify any defects.

3 November 2021

Construction of the crib wall is now complete, with landscaping finalised along the top of the new wall.

The contractor is currently preparing for the reinstatement of the ground level.

9 September 2021

The last of the piers has now been bored, and concreting of all piers is expected to be completed by the end of the week.

Footings for the new crib wall are also expected to be completed by the end of next week.

Excavations have continued to unearth some odd bits and pieces, including the old steering wheel pictured below.

10 August 2021

The east and west upper tier is now complete and the 30 metre middle section under construction. The intersecting wall design make construction of the middle section more complicated so it will take a little longer.

Boring for the lower tier has started, which has uncovered large boulders. This is something that was not encountered when boring for the upper piers.

Works have also commenced on footpath and landscape reinstatement works in the completed areas.

16 July 2021

All large 900mm diameter piers have been installed.

Work continues on pouring the footings of the new upper tier crib wall and, from the Elizabeth Street end, construction of the crib wall is underway.

The contractor is also preparing the site for construction of the lower tier piers and crib walls.


16 June 2021
While works have been hampered by the recent wet weather, things are progressing with the first of the lower tier piers installed last week and the precast concrete crib wall sections due to arrive on site this week. 

Bluestone pitchers, removed as part of the works, will be reused in a bluestone laneway reconstruction project in Glen Iris.

May 2021
Works are progressing well with construction platforms built to support the existing wall and provide a safe working area for machinery.  A large amount of rubble has been found buried under the existing retaining wall - lots of bricks, metal frames, concrete and bluestones. At the Elizabeth Street end, the new wall foundation is under construction including drainage and base preparation.

April 2021
A letter and landscaping plan was sent to surrounding residents advising the type and extent of the plantings proposed to screen the wall, plus complementary landscaping in the surrounding area.

View Landscaping Works letter to residents(PDF, 198KB)

View Landscaping plan(PDF, 13MB)

December 2020
Download Capital Works Project Bulletin 1, 23 December 2020(PDF, 651KB)

October 2020
Download October 2020 - Retaining wall reconstruction(PDF, 387KB)


Extensive landscaping and planting will be completed to complement the new retaining wall.

In April 2021, surrounding residents were advised of the proposed landscaping by letter(PDF, 198KB) , which was accompanied by the following plan.

Menzies Wall landscaping plan.jpg

Download retaining wall landscape plan(PDF, 13MB)