Access and inclusion

Harold Holt Swim Centre and Prahran Aquatic Centre offer a range of accessibility features.

Accessibility features at Harold Holt Swim Centre include:

  • pool hoists
  • pool pods
  • entry steps
  • entry ramp to warm water and leisure pool
  • accessible toilets
  • accessible change rooms
  • a lift for the upstairs gym and program rooms
  • accessible parking.

Accessibility features at Prahran Aquatic Centre include:

  • pool hoists
  • accessible toilets
  • accessible change rooms
  • navigational sight lines
  • accessible parking.

Hidden Disability Sunflower

Our library, aquatic centre and customer service staff recognise the sunflower as the universal symbol of hidden disabilities. Staff can support people with hidden disabilities to access and navigate Council services, fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment.

Wearing a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard discreetly indicates that you may need additional support, time or understanding.

The Sunflower lanyard creates awareness of hidden disability to people who otherwise wouldn’t recognise it.

It encourages staff to:

  • ask if they can help
  • be kind
  • listen closely
  • show respect.

Learn more about the Hidden Disability Sunflower or watch this video.

Hidden Disability Sunflower merchandise is available at our Service Centres, libraries and Harold Holt Swim Centre.

Sensory quiet sessions trial at Harold Holt Swim Centre

We are excited to launch a sensory quiet session trial at Harold Holt Swim Centre.

The launch takes place on Friday 4 April, in recognition of World Autism Awareness Day on Wednesday 2 April. People attending the launch will receive complementary casual entry. Regular membership or casual fees apply for pool entry for all following sessions.

Sensory quiet sessions will run on from Friday 4 April to Sunday 4 May at these times:

  • Friday 3 – 3.45 pm
  • Sunday 7 – 7.45 am.

There will be sessions in the pool and gym areas.

We recognise and celebrate people with different ways of thinking, processing and learning. We're committed to making Stonnington an accessible, inclusive, welcoming and supportive environment for all.

Physical activity benefits people of all ages and abilities, although many people face hidden barriers which exclude them from participation. People with sensory needs may experience stress and anxiety when exposed to stimulus such as bright lights and loud noises.

A sensory quiet session keeps these types of barriers to a minimum, with:

  • no music
  • no hair or hand dryers
  • no planned announcements
  • dimmed lights in the pool area
  • no aquatic and fitness classes (except for Access All Abilities swim classes during 3 – 3.45pm on Fridays).

Sensory quiet sessions may be impacted during school holidays. 

Lights cannot be dimmed in the gym room due to equipment being used.

Everyone is welcome to attend the swim centre during a sensory quiet session. We just ask you to be respectful and keep noise to a minimum to contribute to the low sensory environment.

Your feedback

We’re keen to hear your thoughts on this new initiative – complete our feedback survey.

Your feedback will help us understand program's impact on accessibility in aquatic, leisure and fitness activities. It will also inform us of any adjustments we may need to make.

Privacy statement

The personal information requested in this survey is being collected by Council for the purpose of community consultation. To find out how your personal information will be used by Council please visit the privacy policy page.

Enquiries: 8290 1678