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City of Stonnington - Home - Logo
About Stonnington
Community profile
Community satisfaction
History and heritage
About Council
Mayor and Councillors
Meet your Council program
Council election
Governance and integrity
Council meetings
Citizenship ceremonies
Executive team
Advisory Committees
Living in Stonnington
Current vacancies
Why work at Stonnington?
Recruitment process and application tips
Media centre
News, notices and media releases
Stonnington News
Media enquiries
Subscribe to our newsletters
Social Media
Corporate documents
Annual Report and Budget
Council Plan and Community Vision
Strategies and plans
Local Laws
Major infrastructure works and projects
Prahran Market Restoration
Stonnington Activity Centres
Tenders, contracts and suppliers
In my area
Make a payment
MyStonnington App
Ageing well in Stonnington
Commonwealth Government Aged Care Reforms
Accessing aged care services
Engaged programs and events
Community transport
Children and Family Services
Maternal and Child Health Services
Early Years Services
Kindergarten in Stonnington
Playgroups and neighbourhood houses
Stonnington Toy Library
Children's services directory
Child Safety Standards
Children's Week
Graffiti removal
Middle Years and Youth Services
Parking permits
Pay or manage a parking fine
Appeal a parking fine
Report an abandoned or illegally parked vehicle
Street cleaning exemption
Towed vehicles
Car share parking for providers
Parking restrictions in your street
Parking sensors
Car parks in Stonnington
Elizabeth Street car park free parking trial
Pets and animals
Pet registration
Microchipping and desexing your pet
Replacement pet tags
Report a pet or animal concern
Animal shelter
Off-lead parks and reserves
Pet ownership restrictions and permits
Dealing with barking dogs
Separation anxiety
Animal welfare
Domestic Animal Management Plan
Tips and tails
Rates and property
How your rates are calculated
Property valuations and objections
Pay your rates
Receiving your rates notice
Concessions on rates and charges
Forms for changing your details
Land Information Certificate applications
Property statistics
Rate capping
Road management, safety and permits
Heavy vehicle access
Safer Stonnington streets
Department of Transport and Planning managed roads
Transforming Stonnington
Smart City Strategic Framework
Digital inclusion
MyStonnington app
Monitoring movement across our City
Better lighting in public spaces
Smarter parking
Environmental sensors
Smarter waste management
Smart City data collection and privacy
Trees and nature strips
Reporting tree concerns
Tree Works Permit
Manage trees on your property
Find tree pruning dates
Applying for a Nature Strip Planting Permit
How we maintain trees
Controlling weeds
Waste and recycling
What to do with your waste and recycling
Find my bin days
Find my street sweeping dates
Find your hard waste dates
Drop off waste at the Waste Transfer Station
Report a missed, broken or stolen bin
Request a new, extra or different bin
Food and green waste
Business waste and recycling
Get waste and recycling signage
Changes to how we manage waste
Apartment Composting Program
Access and inclusion
First Peoples' reconciliation
Cultural diversity
Accessible toilets and changing places
LGBTIQA+ community
Disability and accessibility
Be an accessible business
Active Stonnington
Arts and culture
Public art collection
Public art walk
Public mural wall crawl
Contemporary art collection
Arts and culture grants
Visual arts opportunities
Festivals and events
Art Acquisitions Advisory Committee
Creative Stonnington: Arts and Culture Strategy 2023-2026
Community health and wellbeing
Health and wellbeing profile
Child Safety Standards
Health and wellbeing calendar
Heatwaves and climate change
Equal, respectful and safe
Dispose of syringes safely
CCTV for street safety
Support Services
Alcohol, tobacco and drugs
Street-based sex work
Mental Health
Public Housing
Community safety
Find a community group
Community Directory Terms and Conditions
Getting around Stonnington
Economic Activation and Event grants
Arts and Culture grants
Community grants
Business Façade Improvement grants
Have your say: Connect Stonnington
Parks and sporting facilities
Allocated times for sports grounds
Hire a park
Melbourne Bowling Club
Toorak Bowling Club
Chadstone Bowling Club
Malvern Bowling Club
Peverill Park
Chris Gahan Reserve
Milton Gray Reserve
Grosvenor Street Reserve
Dyeworks Park
Royal South Yarra Tennis Club
Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club
Hawksburn Tennis Club
Orrong Park Tennis Centre
Penpraze Tennis Courts
East Malvern Tennis Club
St Mary's Eastervene Tennis Courts
Chadstone Tennis Club
St Roch's Tennis Courts
Glendearg All Saints Malvern Tennis Club
Gardiner Tennis Club
Malvern Tennis Centre
Ardrie Park
Caroline Gardens
Central Park
Como Park and Como Park North
Darling Gardens
Darling Park
Glen Iris Wetlands
Grattan Gardens
Harry Gregory Reserve
Hedgeley Dene Gardens
Lumley Gardens
Malvern Cricket Ground
Malvern Gardens
Malvern Urban Forest
McArthur Street Park
Orrong Romanis Reserve
Phoenix Park
Princes Gardens
Rockley Gardens
Sir Robert Menzies Reserve
Sir Zelman Cowen Park
T H King Oval
Toorak Park
Union Street Gardens
Victoria Gardens
Waverley Park
Windsor Siding
Prahran Square
Malvern Valley Golf Course
Grange Road Wetlands
Surrey Park
Mount Street Park
Bangs Street Park
Hobson Street park
Basil Street Park
South Yarra Siding Reserve
Plan an event
Apply for an Event Permit
Apply to host a street party
Event guidelines
Sustainable Stonnington
Reduce your footprint
Grow a sustainable garden
Support biodiversity
Join our Sustainable Stonnington community
Adapt to climate change
Creating a Sustainable Stonnington
Venue hire
Chapel Off Chapel
Grattan Gardens Community Centre
Malvern Banquet Hall
Malvern Community Arts Centre
Malvern Library Meeting Room
Malvern Town Hall
Malvern Town Hall Upper Foyer
Penpraze Park Recreation Centre
Phoenix Park Community Centre
Phoenix Park Library Meeting Room
Prahran RSL
Toorak South Yarra Library Meeting Room
Conditions of use - Community facilities
Conditions of hire - Malvern Town Hall
Prahran Square
Margaret Connellan Stadium
Volunteer Stonnington
Volunteering opportunities
Volunteer Organisations
Community training and networking
Stonnington Volunteer Awards
Planning and building
For applicants
For objectors
Planning enforcement
Planning Register
Planning information requests
Building permits
Local Law permits - Building
Building and property information
Homeowner and tenant information
Strategic planning
Planning Scheme Review
Planning scheme and amendments
Plans, guidelines and frameworks
Planning Strategies
Stonnington Heritage Review
Heritage FAQs
Development Contribution Levy Calculator
What's On Stonnington
Upcoming events
Children's Week
Carols at Como Park
Family Christmas at Central Park
Explore our arts and culture
Explore our parks, trails and heritage
Parks, reserves and gardens
Dog off-leash areas
Walking trails
Walk the Yarra
Our Indigenous past
Explore our heritage
The Life of the Yarra audio tour
What’s On at Prahran Square
What’s On at Stonnington Libraries
What's On at Chapel Off Chapel
Prahran Market and so much more
Subscribe to What's On
Starting, buying or running a business
Permit Finder
Business permits and approvals
Apply for a Footpath Trading Permit
Apply for a Roadside Dining Permit
Register a food business
Apply for a Busking Permit
Apply for a Domestic Animal Business Permit
Apply for a Film Permit
Apply for a Fundraising Permit
Apply for a Licensed Premises Permit
Apply for a Personal Training Permit
Apply for a Street Promotion and Sampling Permit
Apply for a trader directional sign
Building Permit for businesses
Planning permit for business
Register an accommodation business
Register a beauty, hair or health business
Request a Property Enquiry Report
Temporary Advertising on Council Land Permit
Temporary food business
Get to know Stonnington
Discover business events
Small business mentoring service
Find business support
Be an accessible business
Sustainable businesses
Going Circular business program
Be a walking and bike-friendly business
Find a local business
Shop local
Eat local
Add your business
Place-led Economic Development Strategy
Glenferrie Road
Hawksburn Village
High Street
South Yarra
Toorak Village
Contact us
Stonnington Service Centre
Stonnington Council Customer Service and Visitor Hub
Report an issue
Request cleaning and graffiti removal
Feedback and complaints
Lodge a claim for compensation
Media enquiries
You are here:
What's On Stonnington
Upcoming events
Malvern East Christmas Festival
Malvern East Christmas Festival
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