Car share parking for providers

Application for car share providers

To encourage sustainable transport, the City of Stonnington supports expanding car share services throughout the municipality.

We welcome applications for new, dedicated car share parking spaces and vehicles from car share providers.

Car share providers who already operate in Stonnington will be notified when applications open and close.

All other applicants should email before applying.

Location guidelines

Car share locations are assessed to ensure they are compatible with Council's Car Share Policy and are an effective use of kerbside space.

Priority will be given to proposed spaces which are:

  • easily accessible and highly visible, while not obstructing private car users
  • near public transport and activity centres
  • in areas of high forecast demand (high population density and forecast population growth)
  • near an intersection or the beginning/end of a parking row
  • fronting open space, a municipal building or in a Council managed car park
  • safely located, that is, spaces must not block pedestrian sight lines, impede road access or impact accessibility
  • located in permissible parking spaces.

We will consult with property owners directly impacted by a proposed car share space to understand any issues that need to be considered.


In order to apply for a car share space, car share providers must:

  • provide evidence of public liability insurance (no less than $20 million)
  • demonstrate investment in and the provision of a network of car share vehicles
  • have a website showing that bookings can be made online or by phone
  • give customers 24/7 access to vehicles and 24/7 customer support
  • follow procedures for regular cleaning and maintenance of vehicles to a high standard.


Successful applicants are required to pay (per car share space):

  • a one-off establishment fee to cover installation costs (signs, line marking and traffic control)
  • an annual fee.

Fees are renewed annually and subject to change.

Fee type Amount (exc. GST)
Establishment fee $743.60
Annual fee – standard space $523.20
Annual fee – shopping streets or paid parking area $774.90

Apply for a car share space

Before applying, read City of Stonnington's Car Share Policy(PDF, 207KB) and prepare the required documents for your application. You will need to provide:

  • information addressing the location guidelines
  • evidence of each eligibility criteria. 

Complete a separate online application for each car share space you wish to apply for.

Please submit your application/s by the closing date. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Apply online