Car parks in Stonnington

Council provides a number of multi-deck and street level car parking spaces including accessible spaces and electric vehicle charging stations.

All fees are inclusive of GST, per space, and reviewed annually in line with the Council budget. Processing fees are now applicable for all card transactions (0.8% for VISA/MasterCard, 0.2% for EFTPOS and Debit cards).

Multi-deck car parks

These multi-level car parks are paid spaces in a basement or standalone elevated buildings.

New day charges commence from midnight at all multi-deck car parks.

With a monthly parking account, you have unlimited access to the car park 24 hours, 7 days a week. To create a monthly parking account please contact Care Park at or on 03 9682 1733.

Street level car parks

These are paid street level, open air car parks. Processing fees are now applicable for all card transactions (0.8% for VISA/MasterCard, 0.2% for EFTPOS and Debit cards).