Middle Years and Youth Services (MYYS) offers innovative services and programs for children and young people aged 6 to 25 who live in, work in, or visit Stonnington.
We foster partnerships and collaboration to enhance wellbeing and respond to community needs. Our Child and Youth Wellbeing Hub and Youth Services, who work in partnership to ensure an integrated approach.
Our services and programs include:
- case management and support
- community and sector development
- education support
- engagement and leadership programs
- recreational activities
- school holiday program
- school programs
- youth events.
Stonnington Youth Services
Stonnington Youth Services (SYS) provides free services and programs for young people aged 12 to 25 years who live in, work in, or visit Stonnington.
This generalist, voluntary service delivers operates in a safe, supportive and fun environment.
Its purpose is to provide group programs which encourage engagement and support self-esteem, social skills and leadership.
Location: Grattan Gardens Community Centre, 40 Grattan Street, Prahran.
Case management and support
Qualified and experienced youth and social workers offer non-therapeutic case management support.
Sessions help people address barriers to health and wellbeing and ensure they can access assistance.
Our programs
Young local leaders program
An opportunity for secondary school-aged people to meet one another, developing leadership, communications, enterprise and advocacy skills. We encourage you to have a voice and address issues you feel passionate about.
Stonnington art program
An innovative art program focused on mural, community-based and artistic projects, such as our Traffic Signal Box program. We run mural projects with local artists and then welcome you to paint your work throughout Stonnington. Our programs focus on skills and social and personal connections. Art programs include radio, photography, fashion design and visual art.
Soundslike Productions
This group of young people aged 12 to 15 run music and cultural events in and around Stonnington. Learn production skills, including artist booking, stage management, finance and budgeting, sound engineering, promotion and events.
In-school and community-based programs to empower young people, build connections and develop leadership and employment skills.
Life skills
We offer in-school and onsite programs to develop your skills. We work with organisations to provide workshops and courses such as first aid and coffee-making. We also strive to allow you to gain certified skills.
Pop-up youth space
After-school social and recreational events for young people aged 12 to 25. Join our video game club, showcase skills on the soccer field, and engage in activities designed to connect and empower.
Visual and performance art workshops
Our workshops allow you to express yourself, develop skills and create art that celebrates youth culture and identity. Programs include podcasting, photography, dance and visual arts.
School-based programs
SYS works with primary and secondary schools to deliver programs assisting with education, engagement and student wellbeing.
This therapeutic program teaches young people in secondary schools skills in regulation, teamwork and mindfulness. The program concludes with a student-led performance that celebrates their work and achievements.
Step-up transitions program
Transitioning from primary to secondary school may be challenging for young people and parents. This program supports them to be equipped for the transition from Year 6 through to Year 7.
Education and sector support
MYYS plays a key role in supporting schools, service providers and community agencies in Stonnington.
School Focused Youth Services (SFYS)
SFYS is a Department of Education-funded service that works with Glen Eira, Stonnington and Port Phillip councils. It supports primary and secondary school settings from Year 5 to Year 12. There is a strong focus on student engagement in education and health and wellbeing. SFYS can assist Government, Catholic and Independent schools.
Stonnington student support fund
This fund provides small grants for children and young people to access goods and services for school. This enables them to engage successfully in education. MYYS administers the fund on behalf of the Stonnington West Emergency Relief Network Inc.
Stonnington and Port Phillip Youth Network
This group brings service providers and community agencies together to collaborate, network, share information and undertake professional development. The network meets quarterly.
Education breakfast
This annual event gives educators a range of professional development opportunities. Educators can connect with local and non-government agencies, gaining a greater knowledge on the needs of our school community. School Focused Youth Services hosts the event, which invites all primary and secondary schools in the Glen Eira, Stonnington and Port Phillip local government areas.
Working together network
Held at the Child and Wellbeing Community Wellbeing Hub, this monthly network event is for service providers, schools and agencies working with children and young people.
Stonnington Middle Years
Our Middle Years team services children and young people aged 5 to 12 years who live in public housing estates in South Yarra and Prahran.
The Wellbeing Hub team helps people to access socio-emotional, engagement and recreational activities. Its support services address barriers to wellbeing and educational engagement.
Services and programs include:
- afternoon and Saturday drop-ins
- art and leadership programs
- cooking programs
- school holiday program
- soccer program
- St Martin's Theatre program.
Drop in and talk to a youth worker about how to access support or get involved in one of our programs.
We're open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.
To stay up to date with our news and programs, connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
Where to find us