Glen Education Serrell Street Kindergarten


Our program embeds play as a foundation and fundamental building block for learning. Children who attend a Glen Education kindergarten are engaged in a play-based curriculum which emerges from the curiosities of children. This ensures they are engaged and inspired by activities that ignite their interests.

If you would like to learn more about Glen Serrell Street, we encourage you to book a tour via our website.

Glen Education Serrell Street Kindergarten has been assessed under the National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating system and has a rating of 'Exceeding'. Further information can be found on the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) website.

Service overview

Care type 3-year-old program 4-year-old program
Sessional kinder
Long day care No No
Excursions ✔ 
 Incursions ✔ 

Kindergarten programs

Glen Education Serrell Street offers combined three- and four-year-old sessional kindergarten programs, ranging from two to five days of attendance. For further information, visit the Glen Education Serrell Street website.

Learning philosophy

Play-based curriculum which evolves from the children’s interests.

Information sessions and tours

Monthly tours can be booked via the Glen Education website.

Additional information

Service approval number: SE-00004244.

Service provider number: PR-00006475.

National Quality Standards (NQS) service rating: Exceeding NQS.

Additional Education Programs - refer to Glen Education Serrell Street website.

Communication to parents:

  • email
  • Kinderloop communication App
  • newsletters
  • parent and educator meetings.