How to register
Understand when to attend kindergarten
If your child is born 1 May 2020 to 30 April 2021:
- register for four-year old kinder in 2025.
If your child is born 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022:
- register for three-year-old kinder in 2025
- register for four-year-old kinder in 2026.
If your child is born 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023:
- register for three-year-old kinder in 2026
- submit an expression of interest for four-year-old kinder in 2027.
For your child to attend school at the right time, they should either:
- turn three by 30 April of the year they start a three-year-old kindergarten program
- turn four by 30 April of the year they start a four-year-old kindergarten program.
If your child is born between 1 January to 30 April, you may have a choice for the year they start kindergarten as this impacts the year they start school.
An expression of interest allows us to contact you closer to the opening of registrations for your child's kinder year.
Decide your preferences for kindergarten
When you register, we will ask you about your preferences for kindergarten providers you would like your child to attend.
We recommend you visit the kindergarten providers before registering. You can attend open days or request a tour to talk about the programs they run.
Prepare your documents
1. Confirmation of your child's date of birth
We need a copy or extract of your child's Birth Certificate.
If you don't have your child's Birth Certificate, please provide one of the following:
- a copy of their Passport
- immunisation statement (MyGov)
- Statutory Declaration verifying your child's date of birth to be true and correct.
2. Supporting documents
To help us understand your child's learning needs if applicable, please provide either:
- documents from Family Support Services or a Maternal and Child Health nurse confirming high support needs or disability
- a letter from a doctor for complex medical needs.
To be given preference for local kindergartens, please provide:
- proof of residence showing your family name and address - this residence must be your child's main residence
- enrolment confirmation of other children at specific centres.
You can provide one of the following as proof of residence:
- utilities bill
- parent/guardian's license
- rates notice.
Submit your registration
Register for kindergarten
Receive updates
When you receive an email with an offer, you can:
- accept the place within the offer period and enrol your child at that centre
- change your preferences
- withdraw your application as you have accepted a place at an alternative kindergarten.
Receive and decide whether to accept your offer
When you receive an email with an offer, you can:
- accept the place within the offer period and enrol your child at that centre
- change your preferences
- withdraw your application as you have accepted a place at an alternative kindergarten.
Enrol at the Kindergarten
Once you accept the offer, your confirmed kindergarten provider will contact you for extra information about your child and to complete enrolment.
This information may include dietary requirements, religious background and medical conditions.
The kindergarten provider will also confirm your attendance days and program groups as part of your enrolment.