Stonnington Centenarian

If you or someone you know, living in Stonnington, has reached their 100 year birthday, we would love to hear about it.

We think ticking over a century is a huge achievement and we don't want to let the milestone pass without giving you, or your centenarian family member or friend, the recognition they rightly deserve.  

We want to ackowledge Stonnington community members who reach 100 years or more and, on behalf of Council, present them with a small token of our admiration, including a certificate of recognition and Stonnington Centenarian lapel pin that we hope they will wear with pride.

If you or someone you know is a centenarian please let us know by email or call 8290 3337.


To be eligible the nominated person must:

  • be aged 100 years or older
  • live in the City of Stonnington now, or within the past 12 months if since moved into care.
  • agree to be being nominated.


Stonnington is proud of the number of centenarians who call our city home and value them as treasured members of our community.

Help us to recognise our most senior community members by nominating a centenarian today!