Report unlawful tree removal

If you’re concerned about trees on private property, find out which trees need protection and how to report your concern.

For trees on nature strips, in the street, or in parks, gardens and open spaces, visit Reporting tree concerns.

Stonnington is known for its green leafy suburbs. To keep our streets beautiful, we take tree protection seriously, with a zero-tolerance approach to illegal tree removal.

Trees on private property needing protection

When an overlay applies to the land

Tree removal (or branch lopping) may need a planning permit if the land is protected by:

  • Significant Landscape Overlay
  • Neighbourhood Character Overlay
  • Heritage Overlay.

Find out which overlays apply to a property.

When a planning permit has been issued

Trees shown on approved plans

Any trees shown on the approved plans for a planning permit must be protected. To remove trees shown on approved plans, a planning permit amendment is required.

Permit conditions to protect trees

Planning permits often include specific conditions to protect trees during and after construction.

These conditions can include:

  • Tree Management Plan
  • payment of a bond to protect specific trees
  • entering into an agreement (tree deed) to protect specific trees.

We investigate any breaches of permit conditions during or after construction.

Heavy penalties apply to breaches of tree protection permit conditions or the Stonnington Planning Scheme.

Significant trees

In addition to planning permit requirements, a Tree Works Permit is needed for works to or near a ‘significant tree’. For more information, visit Tree Works Permits.

Steps for reporting

If you’re concerned about possible unlawful tree removal, we encourage you to report it to us.

Report your planning concern

Report any concerns about: 

  • breach of planning permit tree conditions
  • removal or works to trees without a permit.

Report unlawful tree removal

We investigate

We’ll email you to let you know which officer is investigating your concern. 

We’ll assess your concerns against the planning requirements. We may contact to you to ask for more information. 

If a breach cannot be easily resolved, we can refer the issue to VCAT or the Magistrate’s Court. 

We let you know the outcome

We’ll update you on the investigation’s progress and inform you of the outcome.