Report a planning breach

If you're concerned about a possible planning breach, we encourage you to report it to us.

We investigate breaches against the Stonnington Planning Scheme and approved planning permits.

What we investigate

No planning permit

  • Home extension
  • Demolition
  • Unapproved works or demolition in a Heritage Overlay
  • Opening a business without a permit, or in a residential neighbourhood
  • Serving alcohol without a permit
  • Removing or altering trees without a permit.

Non-compliance with permit conditions

  • Window screening installation
  • Changes to wall heights, materials, or colour finishes
  • Breaches to permit conditions for trees
  • Change of land use, including home-based businesses, particularly if it disrupts the neighbourhood. This includes home-based and premises-based sex work.

How to report

Report your planning concern

Report any concerns about:

  • breach of an existing planning permit
  • works or land use without a planning permit.

Report now

We investigate

We’ll email you to let you know which officer is investigating your concern.

We’ll assess your concerns against the planning requirements. We may contact to you to ask for more information.

If a breach cannot be easily resolved, we can refer the issue to VCAT or the Magistrate’s Court.

Investigation outcomes

We will keep you updated on the investigation’s progress and inform you of the outcome.