Advertised planning applications

Advertising is a community consultation process for many planning permit applications. It seeks the opinions of those who might be affected if a planning permit is granted.

Find advertised planning information

How to use the map:

  1. Enter the property's address in the search field
  2. Select 'View advertised application' (this links to the application's details in the Planning Permit Register)
  3. To access plans, reports, and other documents - scroll to the bottom of the page, then select the 'Download' button.

Other ways to view an advertised application

You can also view advertised information:

  • by visiting the planning permit register and searching the address
  • online - by scanning the QR code on an advertising notice
  • in person - at Stonnington City Centre, 311 Glenferrie Road, Malvern.

Why we advertise

We advertise planning applications that might negatively impact neighbours. This impact could be local amenity or physical effects. For example, an increase in building size or higher patron numbers for a local business.

How we notify people

If we need to advertise, we’ll notify all people likely to be negatively affected. Advertising can take several forms, including:

  • writing to the owners or occupiers of adjoining properties
  • erecting a public notice on site, as well as direct mailing
  • notices in the newspaper.

For some applications, we must advertise the application to other authorities or refer it to them for comment. These authorities can object to the application or require conditions be placed on any Notice of Decision or permit issued.


The advertising period is 14 days, including weekends.

Advertising over the holiday period

We extend the advertising period during the year-end holiday period. This allows enough time to review application information, seek professional advice, or submit an objection.

For the 2024/2025 holiday period:

  • the last date for installing advertising signs is 10 December 2024
  • applications that don't meet this deadline will held until advertising restarts on 16 January 2025.

For more information, call the Planning Support team on 8290 3329.

If you oppose an application

If a proposal negatively affects you, you can submit a formal objection to Council. You should do this within 14 days of receiving notice of the application.

Find out how to object.