Driveways and crossovers

You might need a planning permit to construct a driveway or crossover, depending on access to the land or specific overlays applying to the property.

A driveway is a vehicle pathway within a property for access to a garage or carport. A crossover connects the road to the driveway, over the footpath.

When you need a planning permit


Land in an overlay

You need a planning permit to construct a driveway if your land is in a:

  • Heritage Overlay (including demolition of an existing crossover)
  • Land Subject to Inundation Overlay.

You might need a planning permit if your land is in a:

  • Special Building Overlay, where there is a significant change in levels.

To find out if your property is in an overlay, visit zones and overlays.


Land accessed from a Transport Zone

You need a planning permit to construct a crossover if it changes access from a Transport Zone. A road in a Transport Zone is a main thoroughfare managed by the Department of Transport.

Land in an overlay

You need a planning permit if your land is in a:

  • Heritage Overlay (including demolition of an existing crossover).

You might need a planning permit if your land is in a:

  • Special Building Overlay, where there is a significant change in levels.

To find out if your property is accessed from a Transport Zone or is in an overlay, visit zones and overlays.

Faster 10-day permit processing

If you want to build a crossover in a Heritage Overlay, you qualify for a streamlined permit process called VicSmart.

To access VicSmart, apply for your planning permit online and select ‘VicSmart’ when prompted.

Learn more about VicSmart

Documents to prepare

When applying for a planning permit, you must supply the following documents.


A Copy of Title, including relevant lot plan and any restrictions listed on title. You can order a title from land data.


Proposed plans and elevations at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200, including:

  • north orientation
  • address of the property
  • the title boundaries
  • existing features of the site
  • fully dimensioned proposed site plans and elevations.

Additional documents for land in an overlay

Heritage Overlay

Demolition plans and elevations, including:

  • North orientation and at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200
  • Address of the property
  • The title boundaries and dimensions (this information can be found on the copy of title on the relevant lot plan)
  • Existing conditions
  • Details of any existing crossover or kerb to be removed (including materials).

You might also need a written report from a heritage expert to assess the proposal’s impact on the significance of the heritage place.

Land Subject to Inundation or Special Building Overlay

You might need:

  • Relevant existing and proposed ground levels, to Australian Height Datum, taken by a licensed land surveyor
  • The layout, size, and use of vehicle parking areas
  • Floor levels of any existing and proposed buildings to Australian Height Datum
  • Cross sectional details of any basement entry ramps and other basement entries to Australian Height Datum, showing floor levels of entry and exit areas and drainage details.

Apply now

If you need a paper planning permit application form, including a VicSmart form, contact the planning department on 03 8290 3329.

To learn more, visit Applying for a Planning Permit.

You need an additional permit for crossovers

You'll also need a Vehicle Crossing Permit to build a crossover.

If you need both a planning and a Vehicle Crossing Permit, get the planning permit first.