Residential hours of operation

Noise in a residential area can be unwanted and upsetting if people are trying to sleep or if it's loud and persistent. The Environment Protection Act (EPA) 2017 and the Environment Protection (Residential Noise) Regulations 2021 states that unreasonable noise must not emit from construction activities from any residential premises between the following hours:

  • 6 pm to 7 am Monday to Friday
  • 6 pm to 9 am weekends and public holidays

A council permit is unavailable to operate outside prohibited times.

What defines unreasonable noise?

Noise is deemed unreasonable if it's emitted from residential premises from construction activity and can be heard in a habitable room in any other residential premises, regardless of whether any door or window giving access to that building is open.

You can find more details on noise requirements on the EPA website.

What about noise from non-construction activities?

The EPA sets when certain residential noise is not permitted. For prohibited times for residential noise, visit the EPA website.


If you wish to register a complaint about excessive noise or advise any breaches of noise controls, you can do so in writing by emailing or by phoning Council's Amenity and Compliance Unit on 03 8290 1333.

Your complaint should include the address of the offending property and times at which the alleged offence is occurring.