Stormwater outlets

The stormwater drainage system is managed in a partnership between Melbourne Water and the City of Stonnington.

Council is responsible for providing and maintaining local drains and managing any stormwater flooding from its drainage system. Melbourne Water is responsible for providing and maintaining main drains, as well as managing flooding from its drainage system and from rivers and creeks.

Property owner responsibility

Property owners are responsible for internal stormwater drains and any section of their private drain outside the property that connects to the legal point of discharge (see below). 

For some properties this responsibility may extend to a shared easement drain that may serve a small number of other properties in cases where the easement drain is not a Council drain. These shared easement drains are typically 150 millimetres in diameter or less.

Legal point of discharge

Stormwater must be connected to a legally approved point of discharge. A point of discharge is usually an underground drain, a kerb or an open table drain.

Where is the stormwater drainage legal point of discharge for my property?

Council can provide you with the stormwater drainage legal point of discharge for your property.

Apply for that information by completing a Stormwater Point of Discharge Report application form(DOC, 952KB).

Application fees

The fee is $231.40 and can be paid via credit card or cheque.

Card fees apply for eftpos, credit and debit card payments.

Contact Us

If you’d like more information about stormwater or legal points of discharge, contact the Municipal Building Surveyor Unit by calling 03 8290 1333 or emailing