Working Together for Change

The City of Stonnington is committed to building and strengthening relationships with our community, and all stakeholders to work towards a sustainable Stonnington.

We can’t do this alone. We need to work with our community, local businesses, state and federal government, and other key partners to take action on climate change and minimise climate-related impacts on our community and natural environment.

Council action to embed climate response internally and create partnerships for change will focus on three key areas:

  • A whole-of-Council climate response
  • Community partnerships
  • Partnering with and advocating to state and federal governments

What we're doing

To collaborate for change, we are working on actions under the following categories.

A whole-of-Council approach

  • We are working to build organisational understanding of climate change, including ways to mitigate emissions and create a climate-ready future.
  • Council Officers work to embed climate considerations into all new strategies, action plans, policies, projects and decision-making processes.
  • We report quarterly on progress against our Climate Emergency Action Plan targets internally, and publish an annual update for the community via our Sustainability Snapshot.

Community partnerships

  • Council established its Climate Emergency Advisory Committee in 2022 with representatives from Council and the community. The Committee aims to make the most of the knowledge, experience, expertise, skills, and passion of people who live, work, and study in Stonnington to inform and advise Council on implementing its climate emergency response.
  • In 2023, we delivered a series of climate resilience workshops with our local community health organisations to build capacity and connections.
  • We work with and promote and a range of community groups encouraging our residents to live more sustainably.
  • We also run environmental events and programs to support our community to live more sustainably and act on the climate emergency.

Partnering with state and federal governments

  • Council is a member of the Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment, the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action, as well as the Climate Emergency Councils Australia and How Well Are We Adapting networks.
  • We have pledged to take climate action through the Cities Power Partnership.
  • Council advocates to the state and federal governments on climate action via the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA).

Project spotlight

With help from the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) and in partnership with the other Victorian Greenhouse Alliances, Council participates in proactive advocacy on climate to state and federal government and other key stakeholders. This year, some of our collective priorities are to:

  • Strengthen existing policy frameworks.
  • Adequately fund mitigation and adaptation measures at the local level.
  • Ensure national energy market reform has positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes.
  • Improve energy efficiency standards and regulation.
  • Gain further clarity on roles, responsibilities, and liabilities across levels of government.
  • Ensure adequate support for low-income and other vulnerable households.
  • Improve planning regulations to consider climate at all levels of the process.

Learn more about EAGA’s advocacy work.

What you can do

Here are actions you can take to create change in Stonnington: