Improving transport options

We are committed to expanding and improving our transport network, to increase the number of people choosing to walk, ride and use public transport.

We support and promote the use of public transport (trams, trains and buses), plus walking, riding a bike and car sharing.

The transport network in Stonnington is well developed, with trams, trains, buses, bike lanes and footpaths supporting everyone to get around conveniently. Stakeholders in the network include residents, businesses and visitors to Stonnington, bicycle groups, public transport user groups, state government and private companies providing public transport services.

Our role is to represent the interests of the Stonnington community to the government and private sector, who are responsible for the provision of transport services, facilities and infrastructure.

Public Transport Advocacy Plan

To learn more about how we are advocating for an improved public transport service in Stonnington, see our Public Transport Advocacy Plan.

Walking Action Plan and Cycling Strategy

To learn more about what we are doing to improve walking and bike riding, see our Walking Action Plan and Cycling Strategy.

Supporting bike riding

We encourage and support bike riding through the provision of facilities, programs and services. Whether for fun, fitness or to commute, choosing to ride benefits everyone’s health and wellbeing. It also has wider economic, social and environmental benefits.

We're committed to improving safety for people who ride and encouraging more people to ride, more often. Through our Cycling Strategy 2020-25, we have identified a network of local streets to play a bigger role in making cycling through our neighbourhoods safer.

To identify local streets that are safe riding zones, sharrows (or share lane markings) have been painted on the road pavement.

Sharrows are used to reinforce a local, low traffic road as a shared space for people on bikes and in motor vehicles, and are often used on streets where there isn't enough room for a dedicated bike lane. Sharrows also position people riding a bike away from parked vehicles to avoid dooring accidents, and act as a reminder to everyone that it is a shared space.

Studies have shown sharrows increase operating space for people on bikes, improve safety and reduce the number of crashes involving people on bikes and cars. They also discourage cyclists from using footpaths, resulting in less accidents between people walking and bike riding.

Visit Getting around Stonnington for bike sharrow locations in the city.

Expanding our car share network

Car share is a privately operated, membership-based service that provides access to conveniently located cars and vans. Vehicles can be rented by the hour or the day, on demand. The rental cost includes fuel, maintenance, roadside assistance and regular cleaning.

Car share is a great alternative to personal car ownership and removes the expense and hassle of buying and maintaining a car. A well-developed car share network can reduce parking demand in the local area, reduce car dependency, and encourage walking, cycling and public transport use.

There are currently three car share companies operating in Stonnington:

The City of Stonnington plans to expand the car share network, in line with the Car Share Policy(PDF, 207KB) .

We welcome applications for new, dedicated car share parking spaces and vehicles from car share providers. Visit our car share parking for providers page for more information.

Encouraging electric vehicle use

The City of Stonnington is encouraging the uptake of electric vehicles by trialling kerbside electric vehicle chargers in residential areas and near parks. We are particularly interested in supporting residents with no access to off-street parking and those in strata-managed buildings where installing chargers is difficult. 

Metropolitan Transport Forum

As a Metropolitan Transport Forum member, we promote effective, efficient and equitable transport by engaging in debates, research and policy development, and by providing information on transport options.

For more information, visit Metropolitan Transport Forum.

Stonnington Transport Advisory Committee

The City of Stonnington has introduced a Transport Advisory Committee. Committee members are people who work, live and study in the municipality who have knowledge, experience, expertise, skills and a passion for local transport and transport-related issues.

The role of the committee is to provide Council with advice and support the implementation of the Stonnington Integrated Transport Plan 2020 - 2025 and supporting documents.

Learn more about the Transport Advisory Committee.