Community grants

Council provides help to eligible not-for-profit or charitable organisations to implement Stonnington-based programs that aim to meet the needs of the Stonnington community. Council's help consists of a cash grant and in-kind support (fee waivers on the use of Council facilities and community bus service).

Applications for this year’s Community Grants program are now open. Applications are welcome from local clubs, community groups and not-for-profit organisations from 3 – 31 March 2025.

2024-2025 Quick Response Grants opened on 1 August 2024 to support eligible applications where funding must be spent before 30 June 2025.

Grant objectives

Our Community Grants program supports local projects that meet the following objectives and priorities articulated in the Council Plan and other key strategic and policy documents, including to:

  • improve community health, well-being and safety
  • enhance social connections
  • promote accessibility and inclusiveness
  • advance social cohesion and reconciliation
  • actively promote environmental sustainability.

For more details, view the Community Grants Policy(PDF, 366KB).

How to apply

Register online

Register online at SmartyGrants and preview a copy of the application form and requirements.

Your organisation must register if it does not have a Smarty Grants account.

Read the eligibility criteria

Make sure you are eligible to apply for the grant and have met all the required criteria.

Understand the different types of grants

Read the Community Grants Program Guidelines(PDF, 393KB) carefully. Community Capacity Building Grants can provide project funding, and In-kind Grants can provide support for the use of a venue or community transport.

Free grant writing workshops and information sessions

Attend a free grant writing workshop or information session to learn more about the grant application process.

Grant writing workshop
Monday 3 March
Online (Zoom)
Register now

Information session
Thursday 6 March
11am, 12pm and 1pm
Malvern Town Hall, 1251 High Street, Malvern
Register now

Drop-ins welcome.

Information session
Monday 17 March
Online (MS Teams)
Register now

For information about the upcoming community grant round, visit the Community Capacity Building Grant page on the SmartyGrants website.

Book your venue and transport services

If your program uses Council venues or community transport services (In-Kind Grant), you must book your venue or transport service before submitting your application.

Attach your booking confirmation to your online application.

Gather information

  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Certificate of Incorporation or evidence of legislative provisions for charitable purposes
  • Current Certificate of Currency – Public Liability Insurance
  • Annual operating budget with full details
  • Copy of Annual General Meeting minutes
  • Council venue booking confirmation letter (if you're applying for In-Kind Grants)
  • Auspice organisation's letter of approval (for auspice applicants)
  • Copies of quotes for minor equipment or capital works
  • Any extra support documents

Easily check what you need with a simple readiness quiz.

Take the grant readiness quiz

Submit your application

Complete all questions, upload supporting documents and submit the application online via SmartyGrants before the closing date and time.

Apply online for a Community Grant

Only two applications will be supported. If an organisation has an existing Partnership Grant and is due to receive its second of three years of funding, this will be counted as one application.

When making two applications, funding must be used for different projects.

A pre-eligibility check will be undertaken to ensure applications meet the eligibility criteria.

Receive confirmation

On submission, you will receive an electronic reply acknowledging receipt from SmartyGrants.


 To qualify for Community Grants, you must:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or an Auspice Organisation with an ABN and written consent
  • be not-for-profit and either:
    • incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act or enacted under legislative provisions for charitable purposes
    • supported by an Incorporated Association that is deemed to be a not-for-profit, as classified by the Australian Taxation Office (section 103A(2) (c) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936).
  • comply with Victorian Child Safety Standards and attach a Child Safe Policy to the grant applications if you provide services and facilities for children (anyone under 18 years old)
  • have current Public Liability insurance of no less than $20,000,000
  • have acquitted any previous Council grants
  • have no outstanding debts to Council.

In addition, applications will only be considered if they:

  • propose an activity that will commence and conclude in the financial year of the grant
  • propose an activity that takes place within the City of Stonnington boundaries or is part of a broader project that has a clear benefit to the Stonnington community
  • have beneficial outcomes for the Stonnington community
  • offer accessible and inclusive activities and programs without discrimination or restrictions
  • have supplied all financial and other information that is requested.

Who is not eligible to apply?

Organisations in auspice arrangements are not permitted to apply for a Partnership Grant.

Funding will not be considered for:

  • commercial enterprises
  • individuals or a project that supports an individual
  • business as usual – staff salaries and operational expenses except where there is substantial evidence the program would otherwise not operate without funding support
  • groups with access to revenue from electronic gaming machines
  • recipients of previous Community Grants who have not returned an acceptable completed acquittal form
  • proposals from current City of Stonnington employees or contractors
  • hire of venues of a commercial nature
  • carnivals, fairs and festivals (please refer to Arts and Cultural Grants Program)
  • political, religious or spiritual organisations where the key focus of the program is to promote their beliefs (this does not include community celebrations of cultural festivals)
  • activities that are considered the responsibility of State or Federal Government to fund, such as core school curriculum activities
  • activities that duplicate an existing service or program provided by City of Stonnington
  • projects that have detrimental environmental impact or produce large quantities of waste
  • buildings' structural improvement, refurbishment, building maintenance
  • retrospective funding - funds for expenditure that has already commenced or occurred
  • projects or events outside the grant financial year
  • projects that Council has already approved under another funding program.

Important dates

Important dates

View important dates for the 2025/26 annual Community Grants round.

Date Details
3 March 2025
 Applications open

3 March 2025

Free grant writing workshop by Non Profit Training

Time: 12 pm - 2.30 pm
Presented online via Zoom, bookings required

6 March 2025



Free Community Grants Information Sessions

Times: 11 am, 12 pm and 1 pm
In-person, bookings required

Malvern Town Hall
1251 High Street, Malvern

17 March 2025 

Free Grant Information Session

Time: 12 - 1 pm
Presented online via Zoom, bookings required

31 March 2025  Applications close
1 August 2025 Quick Response Grants open

Assessment criteria

Grants are assessed by a panel of Council Officers against the assessment criteria.

A Council Working Group will then make decision recommendations to Council.

Council makes a final decision on whether to endorse the grant.

When applying for an In-Kind Grant, you can only select the locations listed within the Community Grant Guidelines.

The assessment criteria for each grant program are included in these guidelines:

Types of grants

Community Capacity Building Grant / In-kind Grant

A Community Capacity Building Grant is provided to organisations to deliver programs, projects and activities that benefit Stonnington residents and align with Council priorities and strategic direction.

We will fund up to $15,000 for these types of activities:

  • social and cultural activities and events
  • minor equipment purchases (less than $2,000)
  • environmental initiatives and programs
  • health and wellbeing activities
  • activities that increase opportunities for organised and passive physical exercise
  • programs addressing priorities announced by Council as part of the community grants program, such as addressing a disaster event or significant social issues.

An In-kind Grant provides subsidised use of our venues and community transport services.

Council venues for hire

Community transport services for hire

  • Regular rostered services with a driver
  • Community Group Organised Day trips – with a driver
  • Casual bus booking for mini-buses – without a driver

Note: only mini-buses can be booked without a driver.

Our Community Transport roster is based on a calendar year (January to December).

Before you apply

Before applying for an In-kind grant, book your venue or transport service and attach the booking confirmation to the online application.

For more information, read the Community Grants Guidelines(PDF, 393KB).

Quick Response Grant

A Quick Response Grant (up to $1,000 case and up to $2,500 in-kind) is available to provide eligible organisations with limited capacity to self-fund and support the delivery of activities or events in response to unforeseen issues or unexpected opportunities that benefit the Stonnington community.

The maximum cash amount offered through this stream is $1,000. As part of the application process, organisations can also apply for in-kind support if the proposed initiative requires the use of a Council venue or community bus. If approved, in-kind support is in addition to the cash grant.

Types of funded activities

  • Unforeseen events or urgent issues posing a risk to existing community groups, programs or events.
  • Unexpected initiatives that need Council's support and benefit a community group and/or the wider Stonnington community.
  • Groups requiring small assistance to get a new project running or host a small community activity.
  • Groups that have missed out on annual grants due to circumstances beyond their control, such as the incapacity of the person in charge of grant application due to illness.

There will be a limit of one application per group per financial year. Applications close once funds are exhausted.

For more information, read the Quick Response Grant Guidelines(PDF, 391KB).

Partnership Grants

Partnership Grants provide support for 3 years.

Partnership Grants provide funding on a triennial (3 years) basis to support the planning and delivery of community based services, programs and activities.

This funding will also support community organisations to plan longer term, attract resources and build strategic partnerships with other organisations in Stonnington.

The next round of Partnerships Grants opens in 2027-2028.


Contact us

To request help or additional information, contact us at or 0438 790 116.


What is Auspicing ?

Often, auspice organisations will enter into agreements to assist individual artists and local community groups so that valuable community projects get off the ground. Auspicing can be viewed as a larger organisation assisting an individual or community group to apply for a grant and then managing or overseeing elements if successful.

Your application will require an auspice if you are an individual or community group that is not incorporated. To apply for the grant, you will need to enter into an auspice arrangement with a not-for-profit incorporated organisation that has an Australian Business Number (ABN).

What is an incorporated organisation?

An incorporated organisation, or incorporated association, is incorporated in a state or territory under that jurisdiction's laws. Incorporation establishes it as a not-for-profit legal entity separate from its individual members.

You can recognise an incorporated association by the word 'Incorporated' or the abbreviation 'Inc.' after its name.

Often, arts, cultural, recreational, and diverse community groups are established as an incorporated organisation. An incorporated organisation must meet the requirements and regulations of the state or territory in which it is incorporated.

More information about incorporated organisations can be found on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.

What does the auspice organisation do?

The auspice organisation is responsible for ensuring that the grant funds are utilised as outlined in the formal 'Sponsorship Agreement'. This includes:

  • receiving, banking, managing and administering the grant funds
  • ensuring that the applicant uses the funding on time
  • making sure the money is accounted for (acquitted)
  • signing the acquittal form.

An auspice organisation may also provide additional support and/or request additional involvement, such as:

  • providing insurance for the project
  • acting as a mentor for the successful applicant
  • monitoring project progress
  • administering a fee for auspice services, negotiated between you and the organisation.

What auspice arrangements are required for a grant application?

As part of the grant application, you are required to provide the auspice organisation's contact information, financial documents, and evidence that they are an appropriate legal entity, such as their Certificate of Incorporation and an Auspice Agreement Form.

It is important to spend time with the auspice organisation so that they understand your proposed project and you both agree with the auspice arrangement. Once a written Auspice Agreement Form has been obtained and signed, you must provide a copy as part of the application.

What if an Auspice Agreement is not received in time?

Preferably, we would like applicants to have finalised their auspice agreements before submitting their applications.

However, if, for some reason, the final agreement has not been received before submission, a one-week extension to submit your agreement can be granted.

After this time, pre-eligibility checks of applications will commence.

If you require this extension, please include all correspondence with your auspice organisation in your grant application and advise that the agreement will be provided within the week.

It is the applicant's responsibility to submit this agreement via email to

Previous Grant recipients

Successful Grant recipients 2024

Organisation Project description Outcome Cash Grant In-kind Grant

Zenon Cultural Centre Inc

Provides Greek language classes on a convenient day for many students in the Stonnington area. These students come from diverse cultural backgrounds and learn to read, write, and speak Greek.

Full funding



Launch Housing

Tenancy Plus brokerage offers flexible financial assistance to social housing renters in Stonnington. This support helps renters establish or maintain their tenancy. By addressing immediate financial needs, our team can stabilise the situation and then tackle the underlying issues that initially put the tenancy at risk.

Full funding



Chadstone Lacrosse Club Inc

We need new line marking equipment because the old one is broken. We managed with it for the last two years when we only had one ground. Now that we can use up to three grounds and need to mark in two colours, a new one is essential.

Full funding



Chabad House of Malvern/Toorak Inc

Our after-school sessions are open to children from both Jewish and non-Jewish day schools. Led by our Youth Directors, these sessions aim to foster a warm and positive connection to Judaism. In a fun and engaging environment, children learn Hebrew reading and speaking, prayer, Jewish history and traditions, as well as stories and songs.

Full funding



Melbourne Rainbow Band Inc

This project aims to create the ideal environment for a musical ensemble to rehearse, coordinate, and establish itself in the local and broader community. It also includes providing essential and secure storage for musical instruments and equipment.

Full funding



Parkinsons's Victoria Limited auspice for Young@Park

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that affects people of all ages and currently has no cure. A seminar offers support, education, and updates on research. It helps reduce social isolation and improve mental health by bringing people together. Additionally, it raises community awareness that Parkinson’s is not just a disease of the elderly.

Part funding



New Eastern Arts Association

Hold regular rehearsals to allow individuals to meet, practice, and learn from each other. Use the annual ensemble to showcase our group’s achievements and introduce Chinese music to the wider community.

Part funding



Arabic Senior Citizens Group

The Community bus service will help Group members go on excursions to enjoy Victoria’s beautiful places. They will share a healthy lunch and discuss their concerns. This is very beneficial for their mental and physical health and will reduce social isolation.

Full funding



Avalon Centre Inc

The weekly Avalon Drop-In offers a welcoming and inclusive space for socialising and material support for those experiencing homelessness or hardship.

Part funding



NCJW (Victoria) Community Services Inc auspice for Caring mums program

Caring Mums is a free and confidential program for new and expecting mums experiencing social isolation. It provides emotional support through weekly social connection facilitated by trained volunteers.

Part funding



Phoenix Park Table Tennis Club Inc

Provide regular Tuesday table tennis practice and training sessions to encourage beginners, and to participate in the Seniors Festival by providing free sessions in October.

Full funding



The People's Choir Inc.

Stonnington Sings is a musical event featuring community members of all ages and cultures. It’s a celebration in song, showcasing the community's diversity and unity. This is the time for the community to shine.

Part funding



Inner Eastern Local Learning Network

Students will take part in practice sessions simulating real job interviews. They will receive constructive feedback on their responses and body language, and learn strategies for handling challenging questions. These mock interviews will boost their confidence and prepare them to excel in real job interviews.

Full funding



The Toorak Bowling Club

The Toorak Lawn Bowls Club is launching a Community Capacity Building Initiative, inviting Stonnington residents to ‘learn to bowl’ sessions during the bowling season. These sessions aim to foster community spirit and promote physical activity in a fun, inclusive environment for all ages, encouraging new friendships and skills.

Part funding



Malvern Historical Society Inc

Produce 6 editions of "Stonnington History News - Keeping Stonnington's History Alive!" Our newsletter publicises Council's Stonnington History Centre and Collection. Reprint local history puzzles. Copy and scan old photos. Reprint existing brochures. Provide four talks on Stonnington's local history at the Malvern Town Hall Upper Foyer and Phoenix Park

Full funding



Friends of Baguia Inc.

Bi-monthly committee meetings to oversee Friends of Baguia Inc. projects in the Baguia sub-district in Timor-Leste.

Full funding



Tibetan Community of Australia Victoria Inc

A skilled meditation practitioner will guide attendees on their path to emotional wellness. Offering personalised support and instruction. Helps cultivate mindfulness, manage emotions, and foster inner peace. Aim to empower individuals to navigate challenges with compassion and expertise, building personal growth.

Part funding



Stonnington City Brass Inc.

SCB runs an inclusive community brass band for musicians of all ages and abilities. It delivers accessible musical education through our Training and Beginners Program.

Full funding



East Malvern Combined Probus Club Inc

Provide a reduced cost to members for some functions, lunches, dinners, bus trips, entry fee if required.

Part funding



Rotary Club of Chadstone East Malvern

BusyFeet, a project by the Rotary Club of Chadstone/East Malvern, offers weekly dance classes to bring joy to children with special needs. It also provides a space for parents and guardians to socialise, share experiences, and support each other.

Full funding



The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Stonnington

The Stonnington Spring Arts Festival 2024 is an annual celebration of the arts, bringing together artistic groups from across Stonnington. This event encourages community participation, fostering an active and vibrant community.

Full funding



The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Stonnington

This event, open to the wider Stonnington community, will feature a formal reception and program highlighting the significance of Holy Days for the Bahai community. It will also place these days in the broader context of global events, with music and entertainment included.

Full funding



Stonnington Chapter, Association Of Former Inmates of Nazi Concentration Camps & Ghettos of the Former Soviet Union

We will offer sessions to improve our members’ mental and physical well-being, tailored to their cultural and linguistic needs. We also plan to purchase a portable microphone and amp for these events.

Part funding



SEWA International (Aust) Inc auspice for Indian Seniors

Social interactions and gatherings for seniors in the Indian community within Stonnington are structured to enhance mental and physical well-being. Frequent meetings promote social inclusion, benefiting their social and emotional health.

Part funding



Nar a Non Family Groups Inc

Support group for two hours with a leader. Provide support and a 'safe space' for families experiencing a loved one abusing substances and suffering mental illness. This enables participants of the program to process their distress and live a 'normal' life despite their loved one's illness.

Full funding



PMI Victorian History Library Inc.

The PMI Library proposes an innovative three-part event series, “An Immersive Journey through Historical Arts at the PMI – music, film and theatre”. With delicious era-appropriate food and upgraded equipment, we’ll enthral you in a murder mystery, enrapture you with a string quartet and absorb you in film history.

Part funding



Triumph of Good Incorporated

Triumph of Good Celebration is an annual music concert at Malvern Town Hall. This project aims to create an inclusive community space, connecting the Stonnington Chapter Association of Holocaust Survivors (local) group and community members with mental health issues. Free entry is provided for these groups.

Full funding



Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria auspice for Rewilding Stonnington

Rewilding Stonnington aims to reintroduce indigenous and endemic plants to our local area in consultation with Traditional Custodians. We enhance biodiversity through plantings on public and public-facing land, and advocate for and educate about inclusive community connection and wellbeing. We work on various projects across Stonnington, engaging residents in each neighbourhood.

Full funding



Toorak Mens Probus Club

Provide a meeting room for the Toorak Men’s Probus Club Book Group, as we need new premises after the Toorak Services Club stopped offering their space to us and other community organisations from July 1, 2024.

Part funding



Armadale Baptist Church auspice for ABC Community Garden

The community garden offers workshops on sustainable practices. We need to rebuild seating for these workshops and two wicking beds to model best practices for water management. Additionally, we will replace a removed tree as part of this educational effort.

Part funding



Australian Skateboarding Federation

Eight learn to skateboard workshops, and a skateboard competition at the new Prahran skate park hosted by Prahran Local, former World Champion, and head judge of Paris 2024 Olympic skateboarding event Renton Millar. Competition will be in multiple age groups, with parity in groups for males and females.

Full funding



Stonnington Dance and Physical Culture

1-hour long weekly class engaging women of all ages and levels of fitness in dance with a focus on strength, coordination and flexibility in community with others

Full funding



The doll association of Victoria Inc

The Malvern Doll Fair is Melbourne's nationally renowned prestigious doll fair. Dolls from antique to new are sold and traded by collectors and makers. It allows creative, small-scale businesses to meet buyers across different age groups and communities. Female, queer, differently-abled and CALD presences in public life are affirmed

Full funding



Scope (Aust) Ltd

Scope will build upon the success of the Inclusive Hockey 2023-2024 program which piloted an accessible, modified sport for people with significant disability. Collaborating with the City of Stonnington and Hockey Victoria, Scope will introduce a competition element while supporting Stonnington participants and volunteers to be active and socially connected.

Part funding



Egyptians Christian Association Inc

We invite teachers for Art-and-Craft classes every second month. We also invite 4-5 members to teach and prepare Middle-Eastern dishes for the group to enjoy, monthly.

Part funding



Helping Hoops Inc

Helping Hoops Prahran is a free, multicultural basketball program for children aged 8-16 living on the Prahran public housing estate. The program runs every Tuesday from 5-7 pm and is overseen by Nyidier Riak. The program uses basketball to instil values of benefit on and off the court.

Full funding



Panepirotic Union of Melbourne & Victoria Inc auspice for Key Sign Language & Greek Story Time

The Greek and Key Sign Language cultural program is targeted at preschoolers and runs weekly during school terms. It helps families connect in a safe, accessible space, sharing the culture of Stonnington’s second-largest ethnic group. The program includes story reading in the target language, kinesthetic songs and dances, and art and craft activities. Key Sign Language is featured to accommodate children of all abilities.

Part funding



Better Health Network

Our program provides exercise-based therapy to help manage chronic health conditions. Led by Allied Health staff, it uses the latest evidence to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community.

Full funding



Reconciliation Stonnington Inc

Our project develops community awareness and appreciation of local Aboriginal history, culture and achievements, through events, publications and social media. We will consult with local Traditional Owners to ensure relevance to their needs.

Part funding



Port Philip Eco Centre auspice for Share & Swap Shop

Share & Swap Shop empowers participants to reduce waste, give new life to pre-loved items, and create neighbourhood-scale circular economies. Our community-driven events model facilitates resource sharing while connecting neighbours and preventing landfill. Participants swap items they no longer need for free in a pop-up shop.

Part funding



Ewing Kindergarten Inc

Ewing Kindergarten has a strong history in respecting First Nations people and moving towards reconciliation. We would like to extend the message of reconciliation beyond the Kindergarten by extending events to include the Stonnington Community and build partnerships with other local schools / kinders and businesses to further promote reconciliation.

Part funding



Punt Hill Community Garden Inc.

Punt Hill Community Garden is all about growing veggies to grow the community. We aim to connect with the community and promote sustainable practices like vegetable-growing and composting, encourage connection to green space in an apartment-dense urban area, and partner with local groups and businesses.

Full funding



C Care Inc

The project will see a weekly food and friendship stall pop up in the public area of the Horrace Petty Estate, providing physical activities, food distributions and social opportunities for the senior tenants.

Part funding



Rotary Club of Chadstone East Malvern

We are supporting South Port Housing’s Youth Housing Support Program to assist young people in the Stonnington area to find affordable housing, get help with education and employment, or support with health issues and parenting. Activities include an education program at November 2024 Craft Market and Sleeping Rough Night.

Part funding


$ 1,947.60

Thorne Harbour Health - The Positive Living Centre

"Nourish Plus" is a vital initiative providing protein-rich sustenance and fresh produce to HIV-positive individuals, promoting their well-being and nutritional health. This program addresses the specific dietary needs of this demographic, enhancing their immune function and overall quality of life through accessible, nutritious provisions. In addition, vouchers for non-residents.

Part funding



Partnership Grants

Organisation Project description Outcome Cash Grant In-kind Grant

Probus Club of Malvern Inc

General running costs of Malvern Probus Club such as canteen provisions, probus paraphernalia, printing, guest speakers costs, and council bus hire for member outings. Further costs are also incurred when a guest speaker joins Malvern probus for lunch. Members for launch after a meeting held at Kooyong Tennis Club.

Part funding



Malvern Emergency Food Program Incorporated

Each year MEFP provides over a thousand non-perishable food parcels containing a balanced diet of 2-3 days food to Stonnington residents and other Stonnington agencies.

Full funding



Windsor Senior Citizens Club Inc

Seniors attend Old Time & New Vogue Dancing, listen to music, socialise, enjoy afternoon tea, and collect funds for charities.

Full funding



Ptolemei Association of Greek Senior Citizens of Egypt and the Middle East

We aim to bring together members in a friendly, safe and enjoyable manner where they can communicate in their language, enjoy the different “festive” days of their culture, and fight loneliness and depression as many live on their own. We want to promote the health and well-being of our members.

Part funding



Hope Connection Inc

This project connects people and the community, creating positive physical and mental health within the Japanese and multicultural communities. We organise weekly activities especially focused on attracting Japanese seniors to socialise with other people in similar situations so they can talk and share their similar interests using their native language.

Part funding


$ 5,670.15

Malvern Italian Senior Citizens Club Inc

The club provides social and cultural support to senior citizens of Malvern and the surrounding communities. The seniors are mostly of Italian background. The club offers social, recreational, and educational activities. It is run by a committee of volunteers who plan and deliver activities.

Full funding



St Kilda Police and Citizens Youth Club (PCYC)

MAC is a free-of-charge youth program, promoting physical activity and positive relationships for youths aged 10 to 17. Held twice weekly at 'The Hub' (Horace Petty Housing Estate), it offers sports, recreation, and mentorship, fostering healthy development. Activities include card games, basketball, soccer, cooking dinner, and much more.

Part funding



Stonnington Chinese Association

Our club meet three times a month to share cultural activities, light exercises, small group chat, English conversation, knowledge sharing, singing, mahjong/table card games and light lunch. We celebrate Chinese and Australian festive events. We have group outings twice a year and occasional invite guest speakers on topics of interest.

Part funding



Australia Western Thrace Turkish Association of Victoria Inc.

Our project aims to host a Traditional Iftar Dinner Night during the month of Ramadan and introduce a Year-End BBQ in December. Additionally, we'll establish a dedicated computer station offering training in computer skills and internet use for all needy seniors including in Turkish language.

Part funding



Healthy Tourism Senior citizens club 'Vigor', ensemble "Nostalgia" Women group

Our program aims to engage our members in social support activities, encouraging participation that allows elderly residents to come together and enjoy life. In doing so, we provide a wide range of different activities, like concerts followed by big dinners, dancing, physical activities, excursions, and participation in lovely ensemble Nostalgia.

Part funding



Uniting Vic Tas

Hartley’s community dining offers free and low-cost lunch meals every weekday throughout the year to people experiencing hardship, providing a warm and welcoming environment to vulnerable people. During the winter months, we offer free hot breakfasts. Our project aims to extend our Winter Breakfast program from 3 to 12 months.

Part funding



Prahran Chinese Women Association of Australia

Our project aims to maintain and promote the welfare of elderly Chinese women. We organised culturally appropriate activities and outings for our members to socialise with one another and engage in the Stonnington community. We will provide culturally appropriate social, educational, and leisure activities to promote positive ageing and well-being.

Part funding


$ 4,838.45

Prahran Greek Seniors Club Inc.

Our project provides weekly social gatherings and regular outings for elderly seniors to socialise in a safe and enjoyable cultural environment. Our meetings promote social cohesion and connectedness, and through regular info sessions and updates on health and Stonnington community matters, our people stay engaged with the greater community.

Part funding



Armadale Probus Club Inc

Armadale Probus Club facilitates varied activities for Stonnington seniors that encourage fun, friendship, fellowship, and physical and mental well-being.

Part funding



Malvern Special Needs Playgroup

Our pre-school developmental program aims to continue our (unique in Melbourne) service to provide therapy to children with special needs between the ages of 6 months and 5 years and also to provide respite to the families of these children. We have three therapists, a kinder teacher and a coordinator.

Part funding



JoCare Caring for Neighbours Inc

JoCare uses local volunteers to provide regular companionship visits in the home for older people in Stonnington at risk of becoming socially disconnected. JoCare provides free digital drop-in sessions to help with computers, phones, and the internet; tablets can be borrowed free of charge.

Part funding



Sevdalinka Choir Inc

Established to nurture and preserve basic values of the Bosnian traditional urban songs. Strives to contribute to the culture of acceptance amongst members of the community. Enrich the lives of its members from all religious, cultural, social and economic backgrounds, thereby fostering their personal and community

Full funding



Stonnington Greek Seniors The Friendship Club

Provide social support to senior citizens from Greek backgrounds in Stonnington. Our program includes social, cultural, educational, and recreational activities.

Part funding



Korean Elderly Citizens Association of Victoria inc

Provide a place for senior citizens to meet and engage in cultural activities of interest. Predominantly, but not exclusively, Korean citizens with limited English skills. Our activities include our singing group. Educational and information sessions using an overhead projector in the big Hall, exercise classes, and organised speakers.

Full funding



Stonnington Ballroom Dancing Association

Funding supports three activities each week: Mahjong on Thursdays, a dance party on Saturdays and multiple social activities on Sundays.

Part funding



Prahran Chinese Elderly Citizens Association Inc

Aims to promote positive aging in the Chinese community by enhancing health, social, mental & physical well-being, enabling them to be connected & active in the community. Activities included: Table-tennis, mahjong, exercise classes, Chinese chess, karaoke, etc.

Part funding



Malvern Greek Seniors Club

Our program provides social support and community engagement to senior citizens from Greek backgrounds who live in the City of Stonnington. It includes social, cultural, educational, and recreational activities.

Full funding



Stonnington Community Assist Inc.

Our service responds to the needs of Stonnington residents who find themselves financially and emotionally stressed and in need of emergency relief. They also benefit from free legal advice, Tax Help, NILs loans and referrals to other agencies. We also advocate with utility companies on our clients' behalf.

Full funding



Union of Christians from Constantinople inc

We have specialists who come to provide information on mental health and well-being. We socialise, play cards, sing, and feel we belong. We celebrate Christmas, Fathers, and Mother's Day. We celebrate Constantinople carnival festivities. Our outing is for the elderly who can’t drive, a day out for Mother's Day.

Part funding



St Martins Youth Arts Centre

An inclusive, free, and integrated foundational creative workshop pathway program for socioeconomically disadvantaged children aged 5-15 living at the Horace Petty Estate. It addresses essential well-being and life skills that increases the children’s multiple literacies, confidence and creative capacity, and includes performance outcomes for their families and community.

Part funding




Provide social support opportunities to senior citizens from Spain and South American countries to engage in cultural, educational, recreational and social information-sharing stimulating activities.

Part funding



Dad's Group

This project supports and provides fathers in Stonnington crucial need for perinatal mental health support through peer education and community activities. It strengthens father-child bonds, father-partner equitable/respectful relationships, and addresses mental health with varied engagement opportunities like community events, virtual workshops, and supportive resources, building upon our successful local programs.

Part funding



BHN Better Health Network LTD

The aim of the Stonnington SRS Social Outings Program is to reduce social isolation and provide vulnerable residents living in pension-level SRSs within the City of Stonnington with supported community access for an opportunity to visit sights within their chosen community, planned and facilitated by two staff members.

Part funding



Uniting Vic Tas

Emergency Relief provides immediate support to vulnerable members of our community. By providing fresh and non-perishable food, Coles food Vouchers, material aid, personal care items, and support with prescription payments. We also support the community during the Christmas period, including a Toy Shop, Festive Hampers, and Christmas Day Lunch.

Part funding



Asklipios Greek Womens Group

To provide an opportunity for Greek female elderly Stonnington residents to participate in well-being activities, including tai chi, yoga, and outings to visit the countryside and to celebrate culturally appropriate activities through dance and religious festivities, incorporating and improving connections to the greater community.

Part funding



St Joseph's Outreach Services Inc

This funding project is for the SJOS Food Store which provides emergency food relief to the disadvantaged in Stonnington and the community. The store is open 3 days a week and is available to visitors for one visit per month, to collect 10 food produce and personal hygiene items.

Part funding
