Business Façade Improvement grants

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Applications for the 2025-26 Business Façade Improvement Grants will be opening soon on 19 May and closing on 30 June. More information will be outlined on this page over the coming months. We encourage you to attend the free grant information sessions to set yourself up for a successful application.

Upcoming grant information sessions - click on the dates to book and learn more.  

Thursday 8 May 2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Wednesday 28 May 2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Thursday 29 May 2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The City of Stonnington is committed to enabling a thriving local economy and creating more attractive and inviting commercial precincts, which supports our vision to achieve:

  • a thriving and unique place
  • an inclusive and healthy community
  • a people-centred and future-ready city.

The Business Façade Improvement Grants program supports business and property owners to improve the visual appearance of business façades in the City of Stonnington’s commercial precincts. 

Applications for the Business Façade Improvement Grants have now closed. This year's program has a total budget of $50,000. City of Stonnington will match funding dollar-for-dollar, covering up to 50% of the improvement costs, with a maximum contribution of $5000. Please check in again in October for a full list of successful applicants. 

Full information on the Grants program, including terms and conditions, can be found in the Business Façade Improvement Grants Guidelines 2024-25(PDF, 1MB)

Grant applications

Application process

Applicants must provide the following as part of the application process.

Business information

  • Name, address, and contact details
  • Business activity
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Number of employees

Evidence of property ownership or commercial tenancy agreement within the City of Stonnington

This includes:

  • Property owner: Deed of Title or Council rates notice
  • Business owner or tenant: Commercial lease agreement

Evidence of business financial viability

This includes:

  • Profit and Loss Statement for financial year ending 30 June 2023
  • last 3 quarterly Business Activity Statements (BAS)
  • last 3 months of business bank account statements
  • cash flow forecast (for FY25 – 12 months).

Project details

You must include the project name, as well as details of the project brief:

  • What: overview of the proposed works, including sketches, designs and/or site plans (including before and after depictions)
  • Why: explanation of what the project will achieve (the improvements it will make)
  • Where: location of the project including site plans and photos
  • When: timeline for the project
  • Who: outline the team that will manage and undertake the project, including project supervisors and contractors/installers, including a summary of their skills and experience
  • How: detailed project delivery plan (steps of key activities from start to finish)
  • How much: detailed realistic budget for proposed works and appropriate cash flow available to complete the project.

A business site visit may be undertaken by City of Stonnington Officers to verify the current façade or to verify what has been submitted.

Grant acquittals

On completion of the project, successful applicants will be required to submit an Acquittal Report through Council's SmartyGrants online platform by no later than 31 July 2025.


Supporting documentation

Important dates

Assessment criteria

