Equal, respectful and safe

Preventing violence against women and family violence.

If you or someone you know is experiencing or afraid of family and domestic violence, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188. If in immediate danger call 000 and ask for the Police.

The City of Stonnington is committed to creating a fair, equal and safe community including taking action to reduce violence against women and family violence. Creating a respectful and safe community is a priority.

Family violence

  • The most frequent type of abuse/violence reported was verbal abuse followed by emotional abuse and physical abuse.
  • In 2020, the number of family violence incidents reported to police increased by 24% to 1040.
  • In 70% of family violence cases in Stonnington, females were affected. Those aged 25–34 are the largest age group affected.
  • Groups experiencing higher rates of violence including women with disabilities, Aboriginal women, immigrant and refugee women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, pregnant women and new mothers.
  • Family violence is the leading driver of homelessness for women.

Gender and health

  • Women in Stonnington are more likely to have a university degree, be employed part time, earn below the minimum wage, do almost 4 times more unpaid domestic labour, provide unpaid disability support, be less active and be an occasional smoker.
  • Men in Stonnington are more likely to leave school before year 11, be employed full time, earn above the minimum wage, be overweight, consume more than 2 alcoholic drinks on average per day, be admitted to hospital due to alcohol, meet physical activity guidelines, eat take away food, smoke daily and experience more harm caused by crime.
  • Women feel 60–80 per cent less safe than men to walk alone in their neighbourhood.
  • In 2020, approximately 3 out of every 4 suicides were males. For both males and females, those aged 25-34 years were the largest age group for suicides. Women are more likely to self-harm.
  • Hospital admissions for falls is higher in Stonnington than Greater Melbourne and Victoria, and is significantly higher for females than males.
  • Stonnington has a higher rate of hospital admissions due to injury or poisoning with more males than females admitted.

Support services for women

Service About Contact
Beyond Blue Free mental health support.

Phone: 1300 224 636

Website: beyondblue.org.au

1800 RESPECT National domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.

Phone: 1800 737 732 (24 hours)

Text: 0458 737 732

Website: 1800respect.org.au

Lifeline 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Phone: 13 11 14

Text: 0477 131 114

Website: lifeline.org.au

Yarning Safe and Strong 24-hour free and confidential counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Phone: 1800 959 563

Website: vahs.org.au/yarning-safenstrong/

Rainbow Door Free specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline providing information, support and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family.

Phone: 1800 729 367

Website: rainbowdoor.org.au

Parent Line Confidential and anonymous counselling and support phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old.

Phone: 13 22 89

Website: services.dffh.vic.gov.au/parentline

Safe Steps 24/7 specialist support services for anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence.

Phone: 1800 015 188

Website: safesteps.org.au

Women's Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE)  Free generalist service: family violence, financial abuse, housing and more. Inclusive of women, non-binary and gender diverse people from all backgrounds and experiences.

Phone: 1300 134 130

Website: wire.org.au

Women's Legal Service Safety and legal advice for women experiencing family violence, separation and divorce. 

Phone: 1800 133 302

Website: womenslegal.org.au

Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) Trauma informed counselling advocacy and support for people who have experienced a recent or historical sexual assault.

Phone: 03 5441 0430

Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292

Website: casacv.org.au

Women's Housing Ltd. Low-cost housing for women at risk of homelessness.

Phone: 9412 6868

Website: womenshousing.com.au

Monash Health Sexual and reproductive health service clinics.

Phone: 1300 342 273 (option 6)

Website: monashhealth.org

Melbourne's Sexual Health Centre (MSHC)  Providers of a range of sexual health and STI testing, diagnosis and treatment services.

Phone: 9341 6200

Website: mshc.org.au

Caulfield Community Health Services Community and home-based health services.

Phone: 9076 6666

Website: alfredhealth.org.au

Better Health Network Services include: GP, dental, mental health,  podiatry, physiotherapy, dietics, counselling and diabetes education.

Phone: 13 22 46

Website: bhn.org.au

Good Shepard Financial Independence Hub Free and confidential service providing ongoing support for people who have experienced financial abuse.

Phone: 1300 050 150

Website: goodshep.org.au

The St Kilda Women's House, Sacred Heart Mission A welcoming, safe and supportive engagement hub tailiored to the needs of all women who are experiencing homelessness, financial hardship or barriers to social inclusion and participation.

Phone: 9536 8464

Website: sacredheartmission.org

Women and Disabilities Victoria Events, workshops, community hubs and leadership programs for women with disabilities.

 Phone: 9286 7800

Website: wdv.org.au

View our gender issues and the impact on health(PDF, 166KB) information.


Promoting Respect and Equity Together

The City of Stonnington is a signatory to Promoting Respect and Equity Together 2021 - 2025, a regional strategy developed by Women's Health in the South-East (WHISE) for collective action across Southern Metropolitan Melbourne.

Are you safe at home? Is someone you know unsafe?

Visit Are you safe at home for family violence information and support for victim survivors and their family and friends, including key information translated in 15 community languages and Easy English.

Related resources