Disability support and services directory

Disability and getting around 

Stonnington is committed to improving inclusion and accessibility within the city. Find information on our accessible amenities, transport, parking and communications below.

Aged care services

For information on how to access aged care services visit Accessing aged care services 

Home library services 

If you're an eligible resident of Stonnington, you could have library items delivered to you. Visit Home Library Service for more information on how to access this service.

Local services, groups and support

Disability service directory

View our directory to find local support and services, resources, and information.

If you are having difficulty viewing the information on this page, call 03 8290 1333 or email access@stonnington.vic.gov.au

Organisation Description
Alfred Health Care Services Alfred Health is the regional point for families and carers of people with a disability, providing assistance and support.
Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria offer a wide range of sport and recreational programs for people who are blind or vision impaired.
Brotherhood of St Laurence – Local Area Coordination Service The Brotherhood of St Laurence are the partners with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to provide the planning and community connection services as part of NDIS. They also assist in preparing communities for the rollout of the NDIS through outreach, workshops and community engagement. They also support people with disability to navigate mainstream services and increase their capability to be an active part of their community.
Carers Social Group

Offering carers of a person with a disability, mental illness or older person a group to connect and learn about news, services and supports available.

Run by Prahran Place Neighbourhood Centre.

Caulfield Community Health Service (CCHS) Located at the Ashley Ricketson Centre (Building 22), CCHS provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the provision of health services within four teams: Child, Youth and Family; Adult and Outreach; Wellbeing for Seniors; and Podiatry and Physiotherapy. Many and varied services are offered including Disability, Case Management and Speech Pathology. 
Commonwealth Psychological Support  Commonwealth Psychosocial Support is a short-term service to build psychosocial functional capacity to address individual needs and complement clinical mental health, broader physical health and social support. 
Community Transport Program

Stonnington’s Community Transport Program provides flexible and accessible transport assistance for residents aged over 55 years and people with disability to stay independent and participate in community life.

We provide individual transport to shopping centres, libraries and Engaged program events.

Inclusion Melbourne Inclusion Melbourne provides personalised support for people with an intellectual disability and promotes the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability in the community.
Inner South Family and Friends  Inner South Family and Friends are a community support group for the families and friends of people with a serious mental health condition/psychosocial disability in the South East region of Melbourne and beyond. The group provides a space for carers to share experiences among peers, gain information and participate in social activities. 
Jewish Care Jewish Care disability services provide a wide range of support to people with a disability.

Services include: Supported Accommodation, Individual Outreach Support, Transition Support from School, and Respite Support for Families.
John Pierce Centre

John Pierce Centre (JPC) Community Centre provides a vibrant and friendly meeting place for our Deaf community and their family and friends in Prahan.

JPC is a multi-purpose venue, and is a home to a number of our community activities.

Malvern Special Needs Playgroup Malvern Special Needs Playgroup provide twice weekly development play sessions to preschool children with special needs under the supervision of therapists, a kindergarten teacher and a coordinator. Sessions include indoor and outdoor play with the assistance of specialist equipment.
Noah’s Ark Provides early intervention services to children with disabilities across Victoria.
Recycled Sound Recycled Sound collects pre-loved hearing aids and recycles them back into the community for those in need. This community service project by Toorak Rotary is delivered in partnership with local audiologists and Better Hearing Australia.
Scope Australia Not-for-profit disability service provider. Supporting people with complex intellectual, physical and multiple disabilities.
Star Health Star Health provides a broad ranges of services for you and your family, spanning across the entire life span, including GP Services, Dental Services, Mental Health, Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Counselling and Diabetes Education.
Uniting Victoria Uniting Victoria are a registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), who provide support and services across disability employment, independent living, social support and behavioural support services 
VALID Self Advocacy Network (southern network) VALID Self Advocacy supports people with intellectual disability to become strong self advocates.
Vision Australia

Vision Australia provide blindness and low vision services.

Vision Australia also delivers the Vision Australia Library, which offers audio and braille books, newspapers, magazines and podcasts for people who are blind, have low vision or live with a print disability.

Peak bodies and advocacy organisations

Organisation Description
Amaze Amaze helps individuals on the autism spectrum, their parents/carers and families, support groups, autism professionals, schools and all others who need information and assistance on autism related issues.
Aphasia Victoria Aphasia Victoria is an advocacy group which aims to support people who have aphasia.
Arts Access Victoria Arts Access Victoria is a peak body for arts and disability in Victoria. Arts Access is disability-led organisation that plays a vital role in state, national and international discourse.
Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) ACD is am advocacy and information service for families of children with any type of disability living in Victoria.
Beyond Blue Beyond Blue is an Australian mental health and wellbeing support organisation. They provide support programs to address issues related to depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental illnesses. 
Carers Vic Carers Victoria is the leading organisation for carers and caring families in Victoria.
Deaf Victoria Deaf Victoria is the peak advocacy body representing deaf and hard of hearing Victorians. They aim to ensure deaf and hard of hearing people in Victoria experience equality, opportunity and connection, and are valued for their unique contributions towards a diverse society.
Dementia Australia Dementia Australia deliver information, education and support services for people living with dementia, their families and carers, and support vital research.
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU) is a dedicated resource unit that works with disability advocacy organisations. It promotes and protects the rights of people with disabilities.
Little Dreamers Australia Young Carer organisation, supporting young people who provide unpaid care for a family member with a disability, illness or addiction.
Musculoskeletal Australia Musculoskeletal Australia (MSK) is the consumer organisation working with, and advocating on behalf of, people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, gout and over 150 other musculoskeletal condition.
Women with Disabilities Victoria Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) is the peak body of women with disabilities in Victoria.
Youth Disability Advocacy Service Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is a statewide advocacy service for young people with disabilities in Victoria offering free individual advocacy service to young people aged 12 to 25 who have a disability.

Employment support and resources

Organisation Description
All Things Equal All Things Equal provides an Employment Pathway Program developed to act as a steppingstone towards mainstream employment. 
AtWork Australia

atWork Australia offer disability employment services in Melbourne. They work with small to large businesses, across many sectors.


Australian Human Rights Commission Resources for job-seekers and employees, including finding and applying for a job, preparing for interviews, writing a resume and cover letter, identifying accessible and inclusive employers, self-employment for people with disability and employment rights under the Disability Discrimination Act. 
Everyone Can Work

The Everyone Can Work website is for people with intellectual disability, their families and supporters.

It brings together information about Australian Government employment supports, the lived experience of families and people with intellectual disability, and current research about employment for people with intellectual disability in Australia. 

Holmesglen - Skills First Reconnect Program The Skills First Reconnect program is designed to help individuals gain the necessary skills and qualifications to improve their employability and career prospects. The Skills First Reconnect program is particularly focused on assisting individuals who have faced barriers to education or employment, such as socio-economic disadvantage, disability, or low literacy and numeracy skills.

IncludeAbility are resources developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission providing information on self-employment for people with disability.


JobAccess was created by the Australian Government to bring together the information and resources that can ‘drive disability employment’.

Includes directory of all Disability Employment Services.

NDIS Guide to self-employment developed by the NDIS. 
Self-Employment Assistance

Self-Employment Assistance is a Workforce Australia program that allows you to apply for support for small businesses.

Disability Employment Services provided by Uniting. 
Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission

Information about employee and workplace rights. 

WISE employment

WISE employment offers a range of integrated programs and services to support employment.

Resources and information

Organisation Description
Access for All Abilities Play Access for All Abilities (AAA Play) provides an online referral and connection service for people with disability to sports and recreational opportunities in Victoria.
Autism Connect

Autism Connect is a free, national autism helpline, providing independent and expert information over phone, email and webchat.

It supports Autistic people, their families and carers, health professionals, researchers, teachers, employers and the broader community.

Clickability Australian disability service directory where people with disabilities and their carers can rate and review the services they use.
DSP & Me

DSP & Me is for people with disabilities who think they may be eligible for a Disability Support Pension (DSP).

The guide takes you step by step through what you need to know before applying for a DSP.


Multilingual Information Access (MiAccess) is a website that brings together available translated information to support access to the NDIS.

Rainbow Inclusion This website was made by and with LGBTIQA + people with intellectual disability. It has booklets, fact sheets, videos, posters and more.
Yarning Podcast

FPDN Yarning Disability is a podcast by The First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN).

The Yarning Disability podcast showcases the stories of First Nations peoples living with a disability, their families and carers and other disability industry professionals to highlight the lived experiences of First Nations people with a disability in Australia.