Council knows this pandemic has been incredibly challenging for children, young people and families. Below are a number of support services and activities to help our community. Please also remember to reach out to our MCH, Early Years and Middle Years and Youth Services for support at any time.
The providers listed below are available to help with free and low-cost food, personal items, transportation, pharmacy items, accommodation, legal support and a wide range of other services.
If you need help, please get in contact with them today.
Visit AskIzzy to view more than 360,000 services to find housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice, addiction treatment and more. If you're on a Telstra mobile network, you can access AskIzzy even if you don't have credit.
Food relief
Food parcels
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Malvern Emergency Food Program
Malvern Police Station
288 Glenferrie Road, Malvern
VIC 3144
P: 03 8823 5600
Prahran Police Station
396 Malvern Road, Prahran
VIC 3181
P: 03 9525 5200
10am to 6pm daily
24 hours a day/7 days a week
Parcel includes a selection of non-perishable items.
Collect food parcels from reception.
Stonnington Community Assist
Prahran Market, Prahran
P: 03 9804 7220
Monday to Friday
10:30am to 3pm
No appointments required
St Joseph's Outreach Services (SJOS) Food Store
40 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra
P: 03 9826 9677
Thursday 10am to 11:30am
Saturday 3pm to 4:30pm
Sunday 3pm to 4:30pm
Providing food staples for the homeless, marginalised and disadvantaged |
St Matthews
157A High Street, Prahran
P: 03 9510 3326
11am to 1pm
Drop in during opening hours |
St Vincent De Paul Society
43 Prospect Street, Box Hill
P: 1800 305 330
Monday to Friday
Assistance with food hampers and material aid. Requests are relayed to volunteers in the local area. This is a free and confidential service. |
Prahran Emergency Relief
211 Chapel Street, Prahran
P: 03 9051 1410
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm
Food items include a selection of fresh, frozen and non-perishable foods (according to availability) |
Food vouchers
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Stonnington Community Assist
Prahran Market, Prahran
P: 03 9804 7220
Monday to Friday
10:30am to 3pm
No appointments required |
Prahran Emergency Relief
211 Chapel Street, Prahran
P: 03 9051 1410
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 12.30pm
Requires assessment
Low cost meals
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Hartley's Meals
211 Chapel Street, Prahran
P: 03 9051 1420
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 10am
11am to 2pm
Free bread
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
St Joseph's Outreach Services (SJOS) Bread Bank
40 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Available from the freezer near the SJOS Food Store
Transport assistance
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Prahran Emergency Relief
211 Chapel Street, Prahran
P: 03 9051 1410
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm
Limited Myki cards available
Personal items
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Prahran Emergency Relief
211 Chapel Street, Prahran
P: 03 9051 1410
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm
Toothpaste, deodorant, soap etc.
Stonnington Community Assist
Prahran Market
P: 03 9804 7720
Monday to Friday
10:30am to 3pm
Currently offering assistance by appointment
Call 03 9804 7220 to book an appointment
Or email
Health and pharmacy assistance
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Clean Bill
listing service |
Search for our nearest bulk-billed GP or dentist |
Prahran Emergency Relief
211 Chapel Street, Prahran
P: 03 9051 1410
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm
Pharmacy assistance
Better Health Network
240 Malvern Road, Prahran
P: 03 9525 1300
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
Allied Health (Physio, podiatry, occupational therapy, smoking cessation, dietetics, diabetes education)
Pharmacotherapy Support Program: provides support for people who are prescribed or wanting to be prescribed opiod replacement therapy
Needle and Syringe Program, as well as free Naloxone
Counselling Services
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Launch Housing
(Initial assessment and planning)
122 Chapel Street, St Kilda
P: 03 8598 1111
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
Accommodation assistance
Launch Housing
(Rough sleeper initiative)
P: 03 8598 1170
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
Outreach to rough sleepers (7 days)
Emergency accommodation assistance
Legal support
Provider |
Opening hours |
Details |
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
P: 03 9783 3600
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
Telephone support
Legal advice and tenancy assistance
Stonnington Community Assist
Prahran Market
P: 03 9804 7220
Monday to Friday
10am to 3pm
Currently offering assistance by appointment
Call 03 9804 7220 to book an appointment
Or email
Southside Justice
P: 03 7037 3200
Call to make an appointment:
Monday to Thursday
10am to 12pm
2pm to 4pm
Free legal service for residents of Stonnington, Port Phillip and Bayside |
Employment services
Service |
Details |
Jobs Victoria Mentors
Provides eligible workers with advice and support to find a suitable job.
Mature Age Hub
Services and supports that connect businesses and mature age workers.
New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS)
Can help you turn your business idea into a viable business, where you can be your own boss.
Launch into Work
Supports pre-employment projects, helping job seekers prepare for vacancies and employers to trial new ways of recruiting. The program is primarily focused on creating long-term employment pathways for women.
Uniting Employment Services
Uniting specialise in working with people who have a permanent medical condition, mental illness, injury or disability requiring employment tailored to their abilities, and provides services to match job seekers and employers.
Working for Victoria
Works with employers to identify their business needs and help find jobseekers across Victoria with the right skills and experience.
An Australian government initiative dedicated to getting more Australians into work, connecting job seekers with employers.
COVID-19 community support
Tax help
Service provider help lines
Service |
Phone |
Assistance |
Coronavirus Hotline (Vic) |
1800 675 398 |
24 hour assistance |
Coronavirus Helpline (National) |
1800 020 080 |
24 hour helpline |
Opening Doors |
1800 825 955 |
24 hour housing crisis support |
Beyond Blue |
1300 224 636 |
24 hour depression and anxiety support service |
Lifeline |
13 11 14 |
24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention |
Suicide call back service |
1300 659 467 |
24 hour counselling to people who are affected by suicide |
SuicideLine Victoria |
1300 651 251 |
24 hour free service that offers phone and online counselling and provides both single and multi-session support for the community. |
Directline |
1800 888 |
24 hour alcohol and drug help |
Family Drug Support Australia |
1300 368 186 |
24 hour support regarding alcohol and drug use |
1800 Respect |
1800 737 732 |
24 hour national sexual assault and domestic violence counselling
Safe Steps |
1800 015 188 |
24 hour crises response for people experiencing family violence |
Gambler’s Help |
1800 858 858 |
24 hour counselling, information and support |
Men’s Referral Service |
1300 766 491 |
Telephone counselling |
Kids Helpline |
1800 551 800 |
24 hour free and confidential counselling for young people aged 5 to 25 |
Headspace |
1800 650 890 |
Free online and telephone support for young people aged 12 to 25 and their families |
Translating and interpreting service |
13 14 50 |
24 hour telephone interpreting service
National Disability Support Scheme |
1800 800 110 |
For assistance with making changes to plans or trouble accessing services due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) |
Carer Gateway |
1800 422 737 |
Phone counselling, online forum and self-guided coaching and skills for carers. Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm |
Social housing
advice line |
1800 068 860 |
Free and confidential service for social housing tenants |
Maternal and Child Health Line |
13 22 29 |
24 hour advice and support service for families with children from birth to school age |
Parentline |
13 22 89 |
A phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. Seven days, 8am to midnight |
SANE Australia |
1800 18 72 63 |
Support for people living with complex mental health issues and carers. Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm |
National Mental Health Hotline |
1300 643 287
Seven days, 9am to 11pm
Victorian Legal Aid |
1300 792 387 |
Free information about the law |
National Debt Hotline |
1800 007 007 |
Free, independent and confidential service. Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm |
Financial counselling
1300 015 500 |
Free and confidential service. Leave your name and contact and receive a call back in 24 hours
Seniors Rights Victoria |
1300 368 821 |
Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm |
With Respect |
1800 542 847 |
Specialist LGBTIQ family violence service |
Switchboard Victoria |
1800 184 527 |
Seven days, 3pm to 12am
Phone and web counselling, information and referral service for LGBTQI people
National Redress Scheme |
1800 737 377 |
Counselling and other services for survivors of institutional child abuse |
The Positive Living Centre |
1800 134 840
The Positive Living Centre is a vibrant and safe environment for all people living with HIV, enhancing their health and wellbeing through the provision of social, emotional, recreational, and skills-based services and activities. |
Health and wellbeing tools
Service |
Description |
Be You |
Wellbeing tools by Beyond Blue for students aged 12 and over, focusing on improving their physical, mental, social and emotional health. |
Better Health |
Tips for keeping healthy at home, with your kids and in your relationships. |
This Girl Can |
Get active at home with this diverse range of video workouts and tips including chair workouts, Bollywood inspired dance classes and more! |
Active Stonnington YouTube |
Join the Active Stonnington team for high-impact or slower paced classes to workout and keep healthy at home. |
Healthy Headspace Tips |
Seven tips to encourage you to sleep, eat, exercise, and make simple changes to get you into a better headspace. |
Headspace |
Tailored information for 12 to 25-year-olds relating to general mental health, physical health, work and study, and drugs and alcohol. |
Head to Health |
Provides Australians with trusted information and digital resources to help support their mental health and wellbeing. |