Surrey Park lighting installation


In 2024, we're installing lights around the Surrey Park central lawn area to make the space usable and more inviting during evening hours in the cooler months.

The proposal to install lights at Surrey Park was first considered following community requests for lighting to make it safer to exercise and walk pets at night, particularly during the winter months when it gets dark earlier.

Reponding to these requests, in March 2023, we sought community feedback on a proposal to install lights around the lawn area which was met with overwhelming support for the lights.

Off the back of this positive response, we are installing energy-efficient, low spill LEDs at the park that are designed to direct the light to the immediate area only and not encroach on surrounding properties.

The lighting level will be similar to that of street lights and the lights will operate from 6pm to 9.30pm daily between late-May and September.

Project overview

Project type Lighting installation
Project status COMPLETE
Scope of works

Install underground electrical infrastructure

Install light poles and lanterns

Test and commission lights

Construction timeline

June to August 2024 

Latest News

May 2024 - Project Update 1(PDF, 116KB)


Community feedback on the proposal to install lights at the Surrey Park lights was completed in March 2023 and, following the positive response, the lighting plan shared with the community in late-2023.

For more on the community engagement process visit our Connect Stonnington engagement hub.

View the lighting plan

Lights at night - looking east


Lights at night - aerial view


Light poles blending into the landscape