Dunlop Pavilion accessible ramp

Dunlop pavillion building next to oval with seating
Construction of an accessible bridge is proposed at Darling Park next to the Dunlop Pavilion, linking the DW Lucas oval and the car park. The accessible bridge construction is part of the Dunlop Pavilion redevelopment project.

The design includes a concrete walkway leading to a pedestrian bridge that spans the undulating landscape. The bridge extends to the pavilion terrace and viewing area.

During the proposed construction the work site will be fenced off for public safety. Access to the Dunlop Pavilion and DW Lucas oval will not be impeded and will remain open at all times.

The area surrounding the walkway and pedestrian bridge will be landscaped once the building work is complete.

Project overview

Project status Complete
Project type Building works
Scope of works 

Construct accessible bridge and walkway connecting DW Lucas oval to carpark

Construct concrete footpath

Construct bridge with balustrading and handrails

Construction timeline

May to September 2021 (estimated)

Contact (City of Stonnington)

Katherine O'Connell

P: 03 8290 1333



Tenants of Dunlop Pavilion and park users will be notified before and during construction.