Davies Street road reconstruction


Following an assessment against the city's 'asset condition standards', Davies Street in Malvern East was identified as requiring reconstruction to improve the condition of the bluestone laneway, road surface, footpath and vehicle crossings.

These works will commence from May 2022 and, to minimise disruption, will be completed in two stages.

Stage one of the works will commence at the east end of Davies Street (at the bluestone laneway) and move west along the street.

We recognise works of this nature will cause some inconvenience. Every effort will be made to keep disruption to a minimum and we thank residents for their patience and understanding.

Project overview

Project status COMPLETE
Project type Road reconstruction
Scope of works 

Reconstruct section of bluestone laneway at eastern end of Davies Street.

New bluestone kerb and channel.

New agi-drain network for ground water collection.

Reconstruct vehicle crossings and damaged sections of footpath.

New asphalt road surface.

Construction timeline 

Start: May 2022

Finish: late-2022

Area of work

Davies Street, Malvern East - works zone



Download Davies Street works zone map(PDF, 148KB)

Resident notifications

Ahead of works beginning and at milestones throughout the project we provide written notifications to surrounding residents, advising upcoming works.

May 2022 - Davies Street Resident Notification #1(PDF, 214KB)