Deputy Mayor Cr Tom Humphries

Deputy Mayor / Toorak Ward Councillor

Cr Tom Humphries

I love calling Toorak home, and as a young father, I understand the need to protect our amenity for future generations. I’m passionate about delivering a financially sustainable Council that focuses on core business and ensuring we have great parks and playgrounds.

My goal for the next four years is ensuring the Council focuses on its core business and delivers this to residents the best way it can and in a financially sustainable way. There are a great number of challenges facing our City, and this term of Council sits at the crossroads of a successful and sustainable future. My goal is to deliver the City and my fellow residents that brighter future.

My vision for Stonnington is to remain Melbourne’s best municipality to live within. To achieve this we need to continue delivering the high levels of services expected by our residents, in a financially sustainable way. In ensuring financial stability, we can pass on a successful council to the next councillors.

I’m looking forward to meeting community members and working together to make Stonnington an even greater place to live.

Toorak Ward map
