Mutual Respect Charter

Our Mutual Respect Charter is based on the principle of mutual respect and cooperation and supports our values of providing a safe and respectful workplace. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of the community, Councillors and staff in all Council-related interactions.

The Charter sets out a shared responsibility for:

  • Safe workplace expectations for our staff in dealing with the community and our customers.
  • Our commitment to serving the community and what people can expect when interacting with Council and its staff.

The Charter reads

The community has the right and responsibility to:

  • Be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • Be given reasons that explain decisions affecting them.
  • A fair and impartial assessment based on the facts and merits of the matter.
  • A timely response.
  • Express their opinions in ways that are respectful and lawful.
  • A fair hearing.
  • Communicate valid concerns and views without fear of reprisal.
  • Access Council’s complaints handling policy.
  • Be informed about the actions taken and outcome of their complaint.

Councillors and staff have the right and responsibility to:

  • Be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • A safe and healthy working environment.
  • Expect honesty, cooperation and reasonable assistance from the community.
  • Zero tolerance on verbal abuse, offensive behaviour, threats and violence.
  • Provide reasons for decisions, and ensure that decisions are subject to appropriate review processes.
  • Be clear on how the matter will be handled, including compliance to statutory and/or legislative processes.
  • Modify, curtail or decline service in response to unacceptable behaviour which because of its nature or frequency raises health, safety, resource or equity issues.