Community questions and statements

If you have a question and/or statement you would like to put to Council, you can do so and have it answered at a Council meeting.

Having the option to ask questions at a Council meeting is an opportunity for you to engage with Council and raise matters of public interest that may inform decision-making.

Guidelines for community questions and statements

  1. Questions and statements must relate to general matters of public interest or an item on the Council meeting agenda.
  2. In your submission you are permitted to:
    • ask up to two questions, or
    • make up to two statements, or
    • ask one question and make one statement.
  3. A question may be split into a maximum of two parts.
  4. Questions may be disallowed by the Council meeting Chair.
  5. Question/statement submissions must be received by midday on the day of the meeting.
  6. When lodging a submission, it must include:
    • the subject of the question and/or statement topic
    • the specific question and/or statement
    • the title of the Council agenda item it relates to, if relevant
    • group or organisation you represent and your role, if applicable
    • your contact details including your email address and contact number
    • any accessibility requirements you need (e.g. wheelchair access).
  7. All submissions must:
    • be relevant to public interest or relate to an item on the Council meeting agenda
    • be clear, factual and concise
    • avoid offensive, defamatory, discriminatory language.
  8. To have your submission heard, you must attend the Council meeting to ask your question or make your statement in person. If you are unable to attend the Council meeting in person, you may either:
    a) Request to attend the meeting virtually.
    b) Request to nominate another person to attend the meeting and read your submission on your behalf.
    Requests for another person to read the submission on your behalf can only be made in certain circumstances and will be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor in accordance with Rule 56.11 of the Governance Rules.

For more information on Council meeting conduct, view the Governance Rules (Part C)(PDF, 462KB).

How to submit a question and/or statement

Submissions must be received by midday on the day of the meeting.

To ask your question or make a statement in the three minutes permitted per speaker, we recommend submissions be no longer than around 375 words.

Submit your questions or statements online.

Submit online

If you can't submit your question or statement online, submit it:

PO Box 58
Victoria 3144

Following receipt of your submission, we will advise you before the Council meeting if your question or statement will be addressed at the meeting.

Privacy Collection Notice

View the Privacy Collection Notice for more information on how your personal information is handled.